how did the OP get a pink name? she is no where near close to VIP lol and btw, this bs between angie and kdot is just spammin up the whole thread
tsk tsk. temper temper. /Poor kdotc. surf the net for those increase size ads -whistle Careful, kdotc might send u a pic of a banana to proof u wrong. -shock-shock
not really, but people will dig it up after 5 months and post it/ there really isnt any maly look, just maly style clothes.
^ lol...i need superzoom then @kodak...ur so disgusting... watched too much porn ok enough spamming in jaz thread now ok...stop it
wtf haha.... anyways welcome, damn masters in that field must be pretty tough but it gets u the $$$ right. -cool2 much drama going on here! :laugh: but it's really funny to read how u guys :stickpoke: at each other... adrianc: malay style clothes?im not even wearing one in those!! in fact for my 20++ yrs in this world, the number of times i've worn malay style clothes is even less than the number of my fingers...hahaha!! hmmm..i really wonder what makes u think that im wearing one? off all the 5 pics i posted, there were 2 t-shirts, 2 dress and 1 long spagetti strap with which actually look malay to u? -huh? NAS: hello nas :wavey: yea, you'll get lots of money, provided ur the boss...this does not apply to freshies like me :tear:
The pic with the white dress. I don't see that alot in North America, maybe the way the clothes you put on look different/
Everything I'm doing is related with math -_- I'm in 2nd year for computer science and math right now is all theory What was your 1st choice?
Mikeyh: hello mike :wavey:.. Adrianc: lol..i kinda guess it was that pic too!-woot2 AC0110: one can run away from math!!so how do u find comp science? i was interested in language & translation studies. and im actually interested to b an interior designer too, but i think i lack creativity!