i slack off a lot but i also get things done and especially when a girl is in my bed.. it's kind of hard to concentrate....
Well, as probably mentioned before, it depends on the person. For me, personally, I have never been in a serious relationship yet :( but nonetheless, there were still other external factors that had me study less or become apathetic.
i don't care what people say .. relationship is very time consuming so regardless whether you're well disciplined or not, it will affect your study. i do agree though the level of impact varies and that's where your "discipline" kicks in i guess. perhaps it's not enough to cost you the "F" but definitely get close to "B" or "C" instead of the "A" even on the easiest course. i have been there and done that.
that doesn't even make sense!..... if a GIRL is in my bed clearly she is female.... Only evo swings over the bar...... all day....
ah...i see...so its evo that swings....-tongue2 in that case why's he keeping stephy for himself? he should share with u -lol
stephy was never with him..... he has a picture of her and thats it.... he just claims to love stephy to cover his closet secret...:laugh:
I think it is just a matter of how you manage your time. You can spend time with your gf/bf on staurday and/or sunday, while spend mon-fri for your education. For my case, i only spend time with my gf on saturday and sunday while i concentrate on my education mon-fri. We still talk to each other everyday and see each other everyday, but not as much as it is on sat and sun. Because me and my gf attend the same school, we can easily see each other everyday.