At first, i thought it was "how to get over semen"and I was like "wah?! DANG"" But yea going on rebound is sad, and it shows you have no control over your emotions. My friend once said, that if he was ever unable to have sex for the rest of his life he'd dedicate his life to research. You should dedicate your life to research
1. eliminate all evidence 2. stop talking to him/her..or any of his/her friends 3. keep occupied with friends or job...constantly then..just wait for it
^well what if all your friends are friends with your ex too? and what if your closest friend thinks the breakup doesn't have any effect to their friendship? as in,,,my closest friend stills hang out with him right infront of my face. but idk,,,even after i've really tried my best to move on,,,it's still weird to see him at school. and it's been a year already ><"
seriously, depend on how long you have been together and how deep you loved her/him... everyone's different when it comes to emotional burden .. some feels better talking it out to friends; others just hit the gym and exhaust themselves so they don't think about the breakup; and still other just eat, eat, eat .. lol my true suggestion is to go away by yourself for a few days and think things through .. meaning find why things had come to this that justified the breakup, is s/he worth to hang on to, and what you're looking for/towards down the road. sometimes ppl break up not cuz of present or past but future. anyway, just my thoughts.
take up a new hobby, stop thinking about it. even though its hard, try your best. and basically keep ur self busy with other things.
Lol Jumping off a building won;'t solve anything and it means running away you must confront it and NEVER TALK TO THAT PERSON AGAIN! =D