I'm not denying that mathermatic is wrong and I will always believe that the sun will rises from east and sets to the west. If it's an man-made law, how can it be forever true?
^ you are misunderstanding the word true.... the definition of the world true is also set and defined by man to mean a certain thing, language have rules as well as any other thing, what man has defined as true for a man made law (do not confuse with a theory) will forever be true in a man made world (and please i do not mean the creation of the earth)... laws are made into laws when no amount of misc. experimentation can disprove it... theories can be disproved and challenged.
ok firstly.. according to the Bible, we can't MAKE it to heaven. man's wickedness and sin is so bad that we cannot even be CLOSE to God. but God is gracious, and he loves everybody soooo much, that He gives everybody a chance to go to heaven. this is just as easy as repenting to him and believing. he doesn't matter what crap you've been involved in -- drugs, premarital sex, alcohol, WHATEVER, as long as the person is willing to repent, God accepts them with open arms. & yeah, becoz God loves soo frkn much, we spend eternity with Him Heaven itself -- it is beyond what you could ever imagine. it says in the Bible that heaven will just be a place where there is no suffering, no pain .. just nothing negative. please don't think of heaven as to being another ''earth'' with internet and fashion -- God doesn't even care about those things. heaven is a place where we unite back with God, and when we get there, we will know that none of the things of this earth are even worth living for -- in other words, all this earthly stuff [clothes, internet, money etc] is worthless. and another point. why does man always have to seperate science with Christianity? it's not like they fully contradict each other or anything. like eg, there are still thoughts that evolution was the way that this world was created -- becoz christians might believe that God had USED evolution to create the world yeah :] i'm not like knocking you, i respect your view of everything buttt this is just wht is written in the Bible [not the last bit though ^^"] so i just hope you will respect it too -- even if you dont believe.
hmmmmm for the longest time religion has said evolution was not possible... i think its just the churches excuse to answer the evolution question....
sounds like something i can't argue against because i simply can't argue against a persons imagination and faith that they believe in so strongly. Seriously im just giving a thought, what is a person to do in heaven? i guess everyone is happy and natural high all the time walking about with huge orgasims but you know since they worded so that no human could touch a thing like that whatever a person trys to say couldn't be argued against. I only wish god would of made it like that in the first place instead of letting people in their misery. as an atheist i really try to think logically and non logically. I try to think about why people choose to believe in relgion and why others don't and there are so many different religions because man wants to find the truth about our creation. I don't think religion has the definate truth in fact i think every single one of them is a lie about heaven/angels/reincarnation/ and i just can't force myself to believe in such bullshit off the bat the same as i can't force myself to believe in the tooth fariy. I know you are going to say "there are things that exist but you cant see it doesnt mean it isn't there" blah blah blah kinda stuff i've been through it all in philosophy and i don't want to get into a long arguement about it. I just want to know why a person who can be so well educated and seem so logical believe in angels and the devil yet not other things like trolls and dragons. I don't mean this to be a question but more of a rant and exclaimation mark. I think its easily choosen because we are afraid of death we need to search for an answer even if it sounds like bs we seem to to accept it unconditionally. yes this is my personal thoughts don't take me trying to change you or anything just for people who have similar beliefs.
i speak only within the context of which he claims... the thing about Evolution is its a theory to those that choose not to believe and a proven fact given the research and experiments and natural observations of living organisms... i believe evolution is real and it happens mutations happen within our world all the time, you see that with all those abnormal births extra limbs and what not..... and also.... we are the only mammal to have a joined wind pipe and esophagus which enables us to create what we have classified as phonemes which make up speech, which also means we are the only ones able to choke and die due to lack of oxygen. all of these are mutations of our species over the countless centuries....... but in order for mutations to manifest others must reproduce with it... so most likely we won't be seeing 4 armed men walking around be a norm....
well noone really knows what happens in heaven & it's not like God created a screwed up world like the way it is. when he created it, He said that ''everything was good.'' But God loves us and He wants us to have free will - so that He doesn't control our lives. and people who believe in Him will eventually get the chance to be in that perfect world when they diee. :]
sorry am i like double posting or something? i'm really noob at this-- i've never posted before ^^" but anyway, that was just an example of how Christians like.. work with science most only believe in Creationism which was how God created the world in 7 days but there are like heaps of books explaining evolution and science in relation to Christianity.. [i used to work in a christian bookshop ^^"] so there are some Christians that are still arguing and tryna find out what's gna happen in the end, or what happened in the beginning.
^ press the little quotation button with the plus sign, to all the quotes you want to quote, and press quote button on the last of those selected quotes.
Hello young Sir, yeah i see your new >.<, look for the '^' sign, it means i am talking to the person above me, wasn't asking you the question, it was for Akki, as you was two posts above if i was talking to you i would have put '^^'. but in response to your comment i believe that if any theory or idea takes away from scripture then there is no relation to Christianity unless you wish to compromise for the sake of making a few humans happy with you and when you compromise your as good as on your own. i don't think any book says God created all things in 6 days as said in scripture and everything belongs to their own kind, man came from man and nothing else, birds came from birds and nothing else, fish came from fish and nothig else etc so i do nt really see any biblicalally grounded Christian taking much notice of such things. Also remember God did more than create the world in 7 days... he actually created the UNIVERSE in 6 days and rested on the 7th, God is awsomeness personified and infinity more!! but thanks for answering anyway.
I never understood why christian chose the number of days it took god to create the Universe...... That is a matter of opinion......
^ its your choice weather you read it or not, if you don't wish to read it then i recommend you don't force yourself because it will be a waste of your time, many atheists say they have read the bible many times but in reality they understand nothing because they can only see words but no meaning. I devour books, i enjoy readng but the bible is the only book i cant manage in terms of readng to much in one go, when you read it you learn something new all the time, doesnt matter how much youve read it, its a very special book and yes that is my opinion.. what do you want to know? i said it says God created everything in 6 days but many seem to think God created the World in 7 days which is something the bible doesn't say but i put it down to 'chinese whispers', im sure youve played the game.