blah blah blah.

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by yiubun, Oct 23, 2008.

  1. yiubun

    yiubun Well-Known Member

    Exam season is in!!! and I just found myself NOT enrolled for undertaking the exams cause of a human error on the university sidE! not me. :rl:

    The head of enrolment called me telling me "you have been screwed over!"
    All i can say is... "GREAT -clapclap... NOT :mad:"

    then what happens, mum tells me to drive my brother to the doctors.
    I'm reluctant, but fine, i'll be a good boy and do that.
    Drive (i am getting within 20 meters within the local police station with 2 officers who seem to have just started their shift looking at me) then my phone rings.

    I pull up opposite the station to pick up the phone. The coppers keep watching....
    I tell the caller i'll call them back, but they wouldnt hang up.... grrrr (they were following up a car sale inquiry)

    Then they finally hang up... i drive my brother to the doctors place (my way)
    and mum finishes her work and goes over her way.
    she blames me for arriving later at teh doctors than she did although heading out first.

    bad enough my brother didnt even have an appointment to rush to... there was NO appointment.... =.=
    then my mum tells my brother to tell me "i'm very angry at you"
    [my brother was playing NDS at this time]

    dont mind me... i'm just very annoyed....
    and what a few ppl call bad luck + bad timing with things...
  2. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    wow...i know how u feel about the exam thing...

    i just found out 2day..i havent been entered for one of the exams...
    so i go to the teacher an ask for an explanation...
    you know what she said?

    "oh, i'm so sorry....i forgot.." WHAT THE F***??!!

    how can she forget? when i told her like at the start of the now she says she guna enter us but we can't do it in JAn, but in the summer...
    messes up my plan....GREAT
  3. uryu

    uryu Well-Known Member

    are u in college? and ur not enrolled in a class that u thought u were? so basically u just wasted the last 2-3 months? lol hope that stuff clears out
  4. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    Wait a minute... what? Excuse my ignorance, but if I understood correctly, you two are required to remind your instructors to "enter" your names into the "exam roster" before you can actually take the exam? If not, please explain, it sounds puzzling as hell.

    I'm assuming this is university level?
  5. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    i had a week off and suppose to work on my 5 group assignments...and i did NOTHING lol
  6. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    yes i did remind my teacher several times in fact...:heherm:
    an she said she'll enter us.... but she forgot..:mad:

    an worst thing is, she's not really bothered to enter us in despite saying we can do it in the summer....but i've taken it up with my head teacher an just hoping to get it sorted out now...
  7. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    yer, teachers forget heaps of things, i mean, its important, freakin hell
  8. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    But instead you choose to upload pictures of yourself :D
  9. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    good news...i've been entered into the exam...but no thanks to my subject teacher though T_T
  10. ^ That good... i still don't know what these exams do..... lol

    and teachers are as much a person as we are... they are allowed to forget things, it's not their job to hold your hand through everything.... you must remind them......
  11. yiubun

    yiubun Well-Known Member

    Thing was the university had enrolled me into the wrong subject and removed teh subjects that I was SUPPOSED TO BE in... so they did the right thing, then undid it and put me in some random course. -madsign1

    whats worse?
    well I got a phone call this morning from the same guy, telling me his done my enrollments *happy for about 2 seconds*
    and i ask him about the exams....
    time to wait and see what he does in the next few days ... =.=
    he forgot about exams, he just amended the enrollment stuff....
    my exam is SUPPOSEBLY starting tuesday 28th... hopefully i get in, otherwise i've lost the last 3 months of work and effort... @_@
  12. wow sounds harsh and seriously...these exams are needed for what exactly?!
  13. yiubun

    yiubun Well-Known Member

    its needed to pass my semester and then continue on with the subject next yr.
    If i cant have the exam, then I wont be able to pass.
    Then I'll have to waste time and money to repeat the subjects again and take the exams next semester or next next semester... =[
  14. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    i need to sit the exams to get the grades i need to apply for university an the exams also count as qualifications which i will need to get into uni......
  15. ohhh......i understand now... its almost like entrance exams...
  16. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    Is it? I'm still confused.

    From what I gathered, yiubun is definitely talking about NORMAL exams that you would take in any normal class: "I needed it to pass my semester and continue on to next years subject."

    From what phoenixgirl is saying, it sounds like like it's just any normal exam too, "I need the exams to get the grades to apply for university and qualifications which i need to get into university." By qualifications, I'm assuming you mean AP exams, but even so, why do you need to ENROLL into the exams when you're already enrolled in the class? Doesn't make sense.

    Need more clarification. You guys wanna explain the level of the class (standard, honors, or AP?) you guys are taking and WHY you guys need to enroll into the exams and WHAT exams these may be? Whether they are normal exams or AP exams to get credit for university (I've always thought AP exams were given at the end of the school year)?

    I've never encountered this "enrolling into the exam" and "erronously got dropped from the class." I always thought that YOU were the one who enrolled yourself in the classes, not your registrar or whatever, even in high school.

    P.S. I'm not sure if "AP" is a universal term, but it's usually the highest level class you can take in high school and it can qualify as a college credit if you do good on the AP exam.
  17. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    these are A-level exams...
    to get into uni, u need A level i need to do the exam
    but w/e its sorted now...
  18. yiubun

    yiubun Well-Known Member

    my exams are just the usual pass it, pass the semester, fail it, fail the semester.
    Yet the university has had problems cause the person that enrolled me was a casual staff with very little experience.
    Thus i was only half enrolled.... 0.0!
    and that's why I am not listed as eligeble to undertake my own exam.
    I have only been registered as part of the class but not the exam. =X
  19. tiffystars

    tiffystars Well-Known Member

    urgh i know how you feel.. same same...

    ...this january i have about 5 resits (to get higher As) and a new exam (maths stats *shivers)...A level exams and UCAS application is such a nightmare ...
    these exams are sooo important.. it's like.. if you dont get the grades you need to get...(e.g...AAA is needed for, but you got ABB) then you don't get into the uni sort of thing....

    i hate exams >=O stress...
  20. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    finally, a UK person who understands what i mean :xd:
    lol..but good luck.... -flow