Joyce received criticisms&complaints of her acting in Off Pedder

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by candy10013, Oct 23, 2008.

  1. candy10013

    candy10013 Well-Known Member


    Joyce Cheng has been criticized for excessive acting

    Joyce Cheng's virgin drama (Off Pedder) has started to air for the first time 2 days ago. In the new sitcom,Joyce Cheng will play as a office assistant on probation.

    Joyce whom has often received criticisms for having excessive emotional expressions in her acting have earlier told the media that she was worried that audiences will criticize her again for her over acting. She has given the promise to change for the better to account for those criticisms.
    After most netizens seen her acting in "Off Pedder",they have criticize her again for having a pitch that is too high when talking, netizens also claimed that Joyce was "acting or pretending" to be cute in her acting by using excessive expressions.

    The Broadcasting Authority of Hong Kong and Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) has received 2 complaints each. TVB has received complaints about her style of acting while the Broadcasting Authority received complaints of her being coquettish in the drama,causing disturbance to the audience's eyes.


    Netizens : Give Time and Chance
    Fortunately,not all comments were bad. Other netizens felt that afterall its her first time acting,and have seen her efforts to work hard for her role in the drama. Joyce Cheng's acting should be more natural,time and chance must be given for her to improve. Its still too early now to come to a conclusion. As if the cute acting were deliberate,netizens says maybe its the demand of cuteness in her role.


    In the second episode on tuesday night,there was a scene that Joyce Cheng sticked out her tounge after being scolded,her superior in the show said "Why did you give me that expression? Only a Twelve year old would do that as they think its cute.." It seems that the other casts dont mind her being cute and played along with her.

    Source : Mingpao,Oriental Daily
    Credits : MC @
  2. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    hmmmm....well better to over act than cant act ;)
    as for the cuteness thing.....meh...its nothing too bad...
  3. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    OMG hong kongies need to give her a break ... come on .. first time acting ...not her fault she sucks ....... shes a newb .. so u got to give her credit ......... i think her acting will improve in future eps ....
  4. hikikomori

    hikikomori Well-Known Member

    I actually agree with all the complaints.. I really don't like her acting, why can't she have a career outside of entertainment?
  5. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    but its her first time though.. so she's bound to get complaints an criticisms etc
    at least she's trying
  6. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    It's her first time, so there's bound to be crticism
  7. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    n to all others who say "its her first time"

    i havent seen it so i wont judge...but i just wanna respond to ur comment here

    so u mean people who cannot act need to be on tv while they are learning how to act?
    meaning they cant actually act when their on tv but if u let them b long enough eventually they might be able to act?
    i dont agree to that.... u dont let people go on tv to learn how to act
    u learn how to act n then u go on tv no?
    if u suck take more classes n come back
  8. elainemomo

    elainemomo Active Member

    i agree, why dont people give her a chance, its only been a couple of episodes and people already criticizing as if she is worthless
  9. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Well whether she act cute or not, she ain't cute -_-
  10. she just needs to work on it... like most people you don't start off pro...
  11. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    yes i agree .....but ow well it is fai fai's daughter lmao
  12. Chibi12

    Chibi12 Well-Known Member

    Maybe she shd have taken acting lesson or attended acting school if she wanted to give acting a try b4 actually doing so. Not sure where the 'cuteness' thing comes from but i thing she looks more stupid than cute in those scenes. Anyhow, im sure she will be given more roles in the future, lets hope she does someting about her acting otherwise she shd jus 4get about acting altogether!
  13. *sigh* i guess standards are different now, they learn to act while acting on the big screen even if its bad viewers are still saying its ok?... i havn't seen bad acting since the new era starting when bernice entered the industry then myolie... they are alot better now but damnn bernice was so annoying cuz she couldnt act kinda ruined my series.. anyways there's no doubt she'll get more roles actively and progress because of her mothers iconic status.
  14. Eve

    Eve Well-Known Member

    I can't comment on her acting since I haven't seen Off Peddler but I can't believe this actually made the news. She got what... 4 formal complaints in total... and that's assuming that the same person didn't call and complain twice!
  15. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    >.< i knew ppl would say that lol...big advantage for her...
    imo...if u cant act dont go on tvb or be prepared to receive complaints...
    i wouldnt even look at it if the acting is bad....
  16. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Okay, I am not defending Joyce Cheng or anything here but quite frankly, people are freaking mean towards her. In fact, I think people just don't like her altogether because she's getting special treatment from the company cuz of her mother. You simply can't jump to conclusion about a person's acting ability based on a few "short" episodes with very limited screen time. There are veteran acting and production professionals on the set so I am sure if she is out of line, they will correct her and re-film or something. When you refer to "BAD ACTING", what about RON NG and KATE TSUI??????? They are far worst than Joyce when they started out and honestly, I have yet to see much improvement either. Even Raymond Lam (improved a lot), Linda Chung, Bosco Wong, Myolie Wu (always overacting), and Bernice started out weak and somewhat improved over time with an exception of Myolie and Linda who showed very little improvement. Reality is that they're still popular cuz of their physical appearance. Talent .. lacking to me but they willing to work hard to improve and audience appreciate their effort. Why can't we be the same for Joyce?

    My guess is that these complaints have to be from someone who just HATE her and find her to be an eye sore; thus no matter what she does, they will not change their view about her. That's subjective and not objective. Coquettish? WTF ... a hater who's pathetic and obviously doesn't know shit about acting. In fact, I found the complaints to be laughable; making a moutain out of a mole hole. My advice is that if you don't like the show, don't watch it. If you gonna complaint, make it constructive and objective. That's how people gonna improve anyway. Otherwise, it's just a waste of readers' time and make you look STUPID and IMMATURE.
  17. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    ^ r u talking to me?
  18. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    lol .. were you the one who call the station and filed the complaints???? i was referring more to them but yeah, in general to whoever complaint about the show thus far.
  19. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    ^ :) just making sure.....
  20. Flavante

    Flavante Well-Known Member

    I recommend Joyce to attend Hong Kong's acting training academy just like all other actors such as Tony Leung and Stephen Chow. Hmm...when I think about it I think her mother went under the same training as well. Nowadays many actors and actresses aren't even required to attend the training academy. Linda Chung recently admitted that she didn't attend no academy and thought it wasn't really important as long as one can act when being filmed. Even if what Linda says is true I think they are still better off doing some training so that they can get more experience and to improve their acting much much more.