lol yea, as many attributes that he may have, all infinite attributes have one thing in common: it's all good. debating does not cause war, arguing does.
Yeah true!!! thats what i was touching on before, when it comes to Gods attributes many only talk about love as if it begins and ends there, on the other side there are attributes like: [FONT=Century Gothic, Arial, Helvetica]JUST and demands JUSTICE and is willing to be ANGRY and WRATHFUL, and PUNISHING...if need be. [/FONT][FONT=Century Gothic, Arial, Helvetica]VENGEANCE SERVING. Are not spoken of because God is portrayed as a big teddy bear type figure which is why you get so much people saying why would a loving God send someone to Hell, they say this because they are only aware of 1 single attributes, the only one that they were told growing up and the only one they perceive to be good by human standards. But yes it is all good, i think i have gone off topic but i wanted to touch on that as it was a point i was trying to make before, ok im going uni. cya [/FONT]
jumping in here...... the thing you quoted above master_g makes god sound like a total asshole.... lol seriously though...... the way he just says NO to adam and eve, no forgiveness.... but then again why the hell does god plant a tree of knowledge of good and evil in same garden, and then create a serpent to tempt them into eating the fruit.... totally douche move.... hahahaha whether god exist or not is beyond what I can comprehend.... the messengers of god will always have a rebuttal for every arguement to disprove god..
^ your understanding of what happened in the Garden of Eden is not complete, you've made it clear that you have no interest in scripture yet your quick to speak about what supposedly happened, you'll be better of reading it yourself rather than typing out second hand knowledge -noclue. Thats the best thing i seen you type in this forum
ahhhh BUT..... -sweat-sweat Sorry if i upset you though, thats not my intention (i was also referring to the religious forum, not the other sections)
nah its cool master_g im not that easily offended I believe I comprehend a lot more than you :Talktohand: -bowroflarms
Haha, now I took part of the argument when I'm not even trying to offend you in the first place -innocent But you sure did made a false assumption that you believe you could comprehend a lot more than I do
you made the assumption that my statement (point and fact) was an assumption... clearly you failed to see the true point god is not something you can comprehend even after years of studying him im sure even the pope doesn't know what exactly god is just a well refined idea of what he is.... clearly there isn't a point to argue his existence if his existence is just an idea... your faith in god is what fuels this idea of a higher being.... and until there is like hard evidence of his existence i will chose to have no allegiance to any higher being, and with this our argument has turned another circle around what seems to be a never ending spiral.....
Would you like to point out your points and facts since I clearly missed it -_- I think I kinda posted that awhile ago ^^ Here it is, I found it ^^
Your whole thing does not discredit the poster. All you're basically saying is "My way, because I said so. No matter what way you argue from a pro supernatural point of view, the arguments will always be basically "It's this way because God said so end of story" We are a logical race here, I refuse to believe the human race has that kind of thinking.
You refuse to believe the human race has this kind of thinking when most of the worlds population believes in God or a god... ok then hehe
Wouldn't you think it is quite ridiculous that there are so many different religions out there..... all different in their higher beings in small ways.... most of the world believe in a higher being because they were most likely forced (mentally) to believe in such things, a mother bring her children to church on Sunday, or a mother lighting an incest to place in front of porcelain statues, and etc.... eventually somewhere down the road of life a child will learn about religion and unless their parents are "Godless" and do not show this child any form of religion he will truly have the choice that is non bias to follow the teachings or not. People pray for help when they are helpless asking for a miracle to happen or are these miracles just a coincidence of particles falling in the right place like dominos in a daisy chain... miraculous how the human brain is so powerful but yet so ignorant of control, how no matter what will always return to our basic animal needs
ya know, loner makes a good point actually nowadays, people are more inclined to go atheist, unlike before when more people believe in a supreme being loner makes a good point when he says: "All you're basically saying is "My way, because I said so. No matter what way you argue from a pro supernatural point of view, the arguments will always be basically 'It's this way because God said so end of story'" people can continue to believe in a God, yes, but what we ask for are statements, or arguments that is more factual than just stating: "yes he exists because he says so, or we say so" the Bible is a work of man, so that falls under a "we say so" yes i must admit science falls under the same category, but unlike the Bible, science is concluded after a series of experiments that has not shown that it is false. see, the Bible is a collection of claims, of story passed on generations to generations. all we ask for are facts that supports those claims and stories, ie: archeological finds supporting figures in the Bible, much like how archeologists discovered pharaohs etc
that is indeed true and the point im sure has come up that man wrote the bible and it could all just be an elaborate fictional story of a higher being....
does not god already exist in trying to prove that god is nonexistence? its like quanten physics, they could be left and right spin at the same time.