1 an 1 = 11 1 add 1 = 2 my primary school friends used to trick me with that by saying it too fast -sweat
yup... God can also be a jealous God. as said in Nahum 1:2. God is righteous, fair and just. there is actually more evidence that God exists than God not existing. anyone heard of Ron Wyatt? With his discovery of the Ark of the Covenant and Jesus' blood? (there is a massage long years gap between both incidents).. but there is a shocking connection x_X... where Jesus was cruxified.. under the ground was actually the Ark of the Covenant.. and apparently Jesus' blood had dripped onto it or something... youtube Ron Wyatt... or this site i've just found lolz http://users.netconnect.com.au/~leedas/
coincidences are not scientific facts how do you know that the gathered blood is Jesus'? you have to compare the blood to an existing sample, namely getting Jesus to get a blood sample, but is Jesus here to give it? how do you know whether the ark is truly that of the Ark of the Covenant? coincidences are not proofs. can you give me more evidence that God exist? as you said there are?
Like dann says..... how do you know the blood is from Jesus and some red paint or even the blood of a farm animal? or maybe even the blood of humans whose lives were killed and left to bleed to death? so they find the Ark of the Covenant who is to say it wasn't man fabricated and buried under the said location of jesus' cruxificition? and also so many places seem to claim to have the said Ark..... so either there really is one or some elaborate hoax clearly throwing off so many....
it doesnt matter about jesus' blood in my mind he is marely be a man people happen to worship. It makes so much sense that back in the day when people were very guilible and death was a heart beat away that people seek to believe in whatever hope they could find although it is a natrual tendency we are more aware of it now. I don't doubt jesus had followers or he was crucified but he is marely a man people happen to fabricate along the lines with god to create a religion. Kinda like the asian buddah? who was marely a monk but now worshipped throughout asia as a god. When i think logically here is what i think, Jesus followers and believers respected him so much they didn't want his legacy to die out so what else a better way to keep that alive? by making false or exaggerated claims like people seeing angels carrying him away after his death and such and such... you know how gullible people back then are.... especially when they have something to prove and looking for a saviour or hope for the people. My theory is that he probably had followers before or after his death in the higher ups like maybe a king or something that was really fanatic into what he was preaching or people preaching about him and helped push it to higher status. i think the best way to debate religion in a logical point is to get into the minds of people and the way they think.
I suggest you read this book: "Evidence That Demands a Verdict-Josh McDowell" there is apparently plenty of evidence here..everything is backed up. I haven't read it yet.. but I am told it's really good by many people (not just christians lolz)... I'm not a person who is easily influenced by what ppl say...i'm not someone who grew up in a christian family...(no one else in my family believes in God yet).... i only properly took things seriously when i started properly going to church 2 years ago....(this is my 3rd church i have tried) ... and the things i have seen...the things that have happen to others.. it's so real in terms of the Bible. All the spiritual side of things and the miracles are no coincidence at all. And it doesn't just happen in one church..it happens to other churches.. to many individuals.. who have the same spiritual physical things happening to their bodies... it just can't be a coincidence. weirdly, some churches even have healing sessions in the evening once every 2-3 months... and it works.. seriously. Go find a church and have a look. I don't really have the right to say or judge anything like... but all i am saying is that ..have you guys even tried to find God? Ok, maybe you have gone to a church before, but you can't judge upon just that one time or that one church you went to.. and say God does not exist....and you may say "i have tried" but it doesnt work if you actually have doubts about His existence. look around you... many christians aren't just people who listen and believe... they actually find God themselves, and find their own evidence with their relationship with God.
lol honestly, i could care less if God existed. what is important to me is how i live my life. i want to have done things i can be proud of before i die. i want to make my life meaningful. if God really existed, he wouldn't want us to find him. he would want us to learn lessons, and make things out of ourselves. there's a reason why Buddhism doesn't revere a supreme being. FYI, Buddha is NOT a supreme being, merely a prophet, a teacher. Buddhism teaches us to live our lives with meaning, not to find God. but anyways, ok, putting that aside, say i want to find God. say i am convinced that he existed. there would be no way i can tell that it would just be in my mind, or he really existed, because there would be no evidence to show that my mind isn't playing tricks on me. two things i'm trying to say is that 1) you can't claim that God existed with evidence that is controversial and heresy. just look at akki's pic. yes it is mean, and offensive, but it makes a good point. The Bible is an anthology of stories, which for all we know, can be made up by some crazy fag. 2) life is not about finding God, because if that is your main life goal, then your life means shit. it's a stupid life goal. if you want to find God, go kill yourself. simple as that.
yeah I read about that a while ago, whether its really true or not.. i dont know, but it would be cool if it was found.
spiritual healing can be interputated as so many different things, and those sham priests who heal people in front of others... i dont even want to go into that but lets just say the mind can do magic to the body. As for Buddhism, if you can find enlightenment you wouldn't need a god, its all you. Dan Im sayin the old buddah is so iconic he's like the jesus of asia.
lol he may be so iconic Jesus level, but unlike others, i could care less if he's a Jesus like being or not. I don't revere him like others do Jesus. i could care less if other people think Buddhism is some shit that was pulled out of someone's ass. what i care, is the way of life that Buddhism teaches. keep in mind, i'm emphasizing "way of life" and not "ZOMG BUDDHA IS GREAT EVERYONE PRAISE HIM ZOMG BUDDHISM IS THE ONLY WAY ZOMG"
You're not really searching for God but being impart with God every step of the way. It give life more self fulfillment, feeling more secure and knowing you are not alone.
if i need self fulfillment, i do things that fulfills myself if i need to feel more secure, i speak with friends and family if i need to know i am not alone, i speak with friends and family who needs God? lol
For me, like even hanging out with people, going clubbing, watching movies and singing K. The moment you go home, you just feel kinda empty, kind of like what was the purpose of doing all that? However, sometimes just being alone can have more of a fulfillment and find peace in youself.