The girl I like has gone completly mad I reckon...

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by HeAvEnzgmaIl, Nov 2, 2008.

  1. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, so yesterday I'm retarded and stupid; and today, I'm shallow and thickheaded, too. Res Ispa Loquitur.
  2. ^ralph you have your days :finey: lol young people never understand
  3. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    LOL... Tell me about it... But enough already, like I stated before and negiqboyz pointed out; time to move on... -rolleyes
  4. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    yea tbh i think the right phrase he was trying to get at about ralphrepo is the fact that he is freaking blunt with his answers so it's not like the casual no answer but instead it is one with brutality within it which can be quite intimidating. however, this is just how ralphrepo works lol.
  5. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    lol the answer had to be brutally blunt... cuz obviously the kid didn't understand what the girl was teling him if he thinks she's "gone completely mad"... notice everyone on here automatically said that the girl's not interested... but instead of taking it in and letting go... he let us flame his ass on the forum... poor kid's getting smoked by ralph and still doesn't understand it...
  6. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    well, it's 3 pages of responses now so he gotta get the point and sure he will remember ralph's post in his head like 4ever ... lol hey ralph .. i think you must've hurt his feeling w/ your response; thus, the defense went up. after all, kids are sensitive, fragile, and confused .. can't always handle the truth.
  7. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    bleh...truth hurts...just take it like a man an move on...
    plenty of other choices....*sigh* LOL
  8. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    ^ooooooomg?! miss phoenix u got aliens in ur avatar!
  9. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    Lol ralph.... dont u have a teenage daughter? she will probably rant on u too if u say these kinda things to her hahaha
  10. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    All my kids already know that the world doesn't revolve around them, and that not everything and everyone will agree with them, nor do they ever have to. The boys, who are a bit older, already understand and have accepted this. Whenever they meet with a failure, they still hate it, but have learned to look beyond it and move on ("Damn it, Dad, that sucks..."). My little girl is still a bit young to worry about engaging the world at large or boys yet, though we do still set strict limits on her; more often NO is the response rather than yes. Like her brothers, she understands this and obviously hates it, but she still hasn't learned to accept this; she throws her tantrums and she'll try to negotiate herself out of it ("But, why can't I...? Please, Daddy, pretty please, pretty pretty please...?" [does this sound familiar?] but eventually she'll come around to that understanding too.

    Frankly, if more parents did the job of parenting, there may be less threads like these. At any rate, I'm saving this thread as an example to show my daughter (for when she's older) the kind of men or, ahem... boys she's gonna meet out there, LOL... -what?
  11. finalturn135

    finalturn135 Member

    This is not just about a brother sister thing, I have a friend that I call her my little "sister" too and she seems to like me, but i have to tell her straight up that I do not feel the same way only that she is like a little sister, the reason im saying that is not because Im worried about the brother sister thing its that there is no "feel" you can not push someone to like you if they don't
  12. vangirl86

    vangirl86 Well-Known Member

    You're too young and immature for love. You don't understand her confirmed words! She only sees you as a brother and nothing more or less. She says "she will try", but she's only saying that cause your forcing her to the extent. You know how bad it feels for someone who doesn't like you and only see you as a brother, to learn to like you just cause of your persuasion? You know how much she needs to handle everytime whenever you bring up the subject? So stop it!

    Age does not matter if you are matured enough for real love. However, from seeing your provided profile; how you come across on this forum, you are not ready. Maybe when you're 21.
  13. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    Ooohhh… I used to negotiate with my parents… hahaha… my mum was too easy lol
    N yea, the please, please, please helps actually…
    I guess I was a bit spoiled by my mum since I was the youngest n my mum had to work a lot at that time but my dad was there to make it more balanced… big mouth or nagging n hed just whack me lol… old school style… no talking or negotiating….
    My dad was quite short tempered, probably cuz he had to look after 3 kids after work
    Anyway, for the old generation (my dad’s side) theres no need to explain why something is not permitted
    In that time the parent is always right, no discussion needed….

    I must say that parenting seems to be an issue these days.. most kids these days have bad manners n some even swear to their parents… I said I was spoiled but if I was to swear to my parents id definitely get whacked
  14. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    lol .. whack?? try that here and you be quacking in the cell ...

    kids in the US have no manner and are violent. parenting is only x of the problem .. even the educational is failing ... i can honestly say, without us immigrants in the US to hold things together ... the country will fuck up in the near future .. how can it not be??
  15. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    ^ lol... i think its usual for chinese kids to get a few good punches after misbehaving... at least lots of my friends got whacked lol...
    n not just asians la...
    but yea... i guess if it would happen now it would be "child abuse"
    older generations are bad at communicating i guess... they just think their doing right
    my dad got the same treatment when he was a it was "normal"
    i dont have any problems with what happened in the sure i deserved an ass kick at times since i was quite annoying at times....
    i used to really dislike my dad at those times
    but now i understand... i wont do it his way tho... lol

    n yeah... if ima have kids im def gonna be much more strict than lots of other parents...
    u should see those girls these days at shopping malls... omg... they havent even started growing breasts yet n their wearing those "sexy" clothes
    i dun want my teenage daughter to dress like a prostitute >_<
  16. HeAvEnzgmaIl

    HeAvEnzgmaIl Well-Known Member


    ROOOFLL agreed even though im too young for kids hahaa and about the child abuse thing yeah i lernt it at school LOL so if parents try to hit me for doing something wrong they will grab the wooden spoon =P

  17. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    This is really rather comical. Most kids are under the mistaken impression that child protective services are an Ace trump card that can be pulled against all parental guidance, up to and including corporal punishment. Not so, the purpose and job of a family court judge is to try his or her best to peacefully keep families together, while maintaining the parent as the responsible authority of that household. Hence, if a parent hits a child but does not "abuse" the child then the judge will actually support the parent. Inotherwords, Child Protective Services will never tell you that you can't hit a child, only that you cannot abuse a child.

    If say, I'm smacking the shit out of one of my kids with a rolled up newspaper, or cutting off his internet and selling his computer; I may actually win a good parenting award. If on the other hand, I assaulted my child with a metal baseball bat or leave welts with a metal coat hanger, then I may go to jail.

    Oh, but don't let that thought comfort you lawyer type kids out there. If the state decides that a child is in real danger from a rogue parent, the state will remove that "victim" from that danger for their own protection. That is, once they decide that your mom or dad is a serious menace to you, they'll take you out of your home and place you with foster parents employed by the state. They'll put you into a home with other abused kids living under the roof of people who can only make money by opening up their home to abused children, LOL... I'm sure it's just like the five star Grand Hyatt -roflyawn
  18. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    the funny thing is that you know how us korean and vietnamese ppl talk really loud and ppl always mistaken us as fighting and call the police on us .. wtf .. if we were yelling at the kids, they probably think we are verbally abusing them too.

    how the judge make a decision is based on how the attorney present the facts .. the truth of the matter is that regardless of parental intention, language and cultural incompetency will always lead to poor judgment.
  19. HeAvEnzgmaIl

    HeAvEnzgmaIl Well-Known Member

    haha lol at negiqboy i agree with you like you go around the streets with a gang of viets most likely the cops will come and ask you what you are doing here @!.@
  20. lovinglyxx

    lovinglyxx Well-Known Member

    tbh i think when a girl starts the whole "(kai) sai lo - ar gor" thing, that means they don't want to start a relationship but want to be good friends.. soooooooo.. anyway how's it progressing?