i have a problem .. you see im not sure .. wut to do this guy lied these are the things he lied about - u lied about ur family - u lied about ur dad - u lied about the house - u lied about the party - u lied about the culture that u r . - u lied to me he said sorry alota times .. but im not sure wht to do , i kinda liek him and im not sure if i shud forgive him or not ?
you're freaking making all these up, didn't you? i can't imagine anyone stupid enough to have believe all that without a clue that they were plain lies. no matter how good a liar is, s/he bounds to slip up.
I can sense it....angry dann is coming... and for goodness sake...how many topics do you need for one topic...its all the same..."my boyfriend lied to me"....Just dump him, already...he's a bastard that lies once and will lie again...and doesn't even think about you anymore, he thinks that you're nothing to him now... And if this is a rant, PLEASE chuck it in the RANT section...
^ damn NAS... i wouldnt wanna be ur friend... ur advisin her to go out whoring puahahahahaha anyways EMA.... i think uve got some issues... a few weeks ago u made a thread abt how to get over someone n then like a few weeks later u posted that u were with somebody now n u guys r making out etc n now ur posting about this liar here are the threads u created... u probably dun even remember: How many stupid threads can u make in the love n relationships section within like (less than) ONE month 3weeks ago: 2 weeks ago: 2 weeks ago i was sorta thinking the same thing as negiqboyz... r u making this shit up, r u a dramaqueen or are u just a bit slow n easy...??? n btw how old are u? n no need to write in like bloody font size 7 what are u 11?... its annoying to read....!!! Sorry, i needed to get THIS off my chest!!
^someone needed to tell her.... ive noticed her threads about how its hurt n shes mad n sad blabla....n then a week later she just posts some other junk about how shes making out with a guy.... how can u change so drastically in sucha short time... she cant be serious n shes wasting ppl's time (ppl who didnt notice u created u created these threads) who wanna help u n not to mention the forum's space with this BS this is like a joke....EMA if u dont take urself serious how can anyone else take u serious.... so if u go on like this dont expect ppl to even give u serious responses of course in theory shes not doing anything wrong cuz shes not spamming or anything but hell it doesnt make any sense at all it just freakin annoys me ============== if u r really bothered with it read this thread full of tips of how to get over someone!!! http://www.dramasian.com/forum/showthread.php?t=38303 u created it 2 weeks ago n it comes in handy! :Talktohand:
^ IF she is whoring around id advise her to stop it lol... whoring doesnt make boys wanna love u long time... more like... wanna love u short time their like ima get the choochoo n be gone! nobody take whores/manwhores serious
Making your post different size makes it difficult for me to read. Therefore follow everyone elses advice except angies
go to a toy store, and watch a train go into the tunnel! that's a choochoo angie's has seen it feels good watching it go into the tunnel -sorc
WTF!!! i hate it when ppl lie to me..once twice ok...but that many times.. WTF!! how can u still trust some1 and like some1 after finding out that person lied that many times and you actually believed that person