New Intel Core i7

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by Dan, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. sauce:

    now wiki says it's a quad core, but alienware says it's an octo core..... can anyone confirm?

    or is it just a quad core that performs like 8 due to hyper-threading?

    if octo core, O GAWD
  2. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Octo itself sound pretty bad ass itself ^^
    However Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9775 are still better during tests

    *Just check out that desktop... roflmao
    12GB ram and too much storage space...
    2GB ATI Graphic Card.. w00t w00t

    I wish they have these into laptop, and I'll definately get those one..
    #2 AC0110, Nov 17, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2008
  3. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    It's not really 8 physical cores; it's 4 cores with Hyper-Threading.

    Back in the Pentium 4 HT days, Windows recognizes the single core processor as 2 cores. Now, with the i7 with HT, the 4 physical cores will be recognized as 8 cores in Windows.

    Personally, I think Alienware desktops are over-rated. Their main selling point is the case design, which hasn't changed in years.
  4. runtohell121

    runtohell121 ........................

    it is quad core i'm pretty sure :p
    unless they snap 2 i7 core in the machine :D
  5. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    *Face palm*

    Read the article, young padiwan.
  6. forget that, ill stick to my duel core and ill buy a 3ghz+ quad CPU when they are cheap enough
  7. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    Just stick with the dual core. I have a quad and it's completely pointless.
  8. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    i still have the p4 ht and it's definitely not as good as even a lower clocked laptop dual core, so ht doesn't help that much i don't think.
  9. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    Well, you have to give HT technology some slack. It's much older than dual core technology. A fair comparison would be to match a standard P4 and a P4 with HT technology.
  10. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    the base level i7's are like 300 some dollars, but apparently perform very close to the 9775 extremes, which cost 1800 dollars.

    still, 300 bucks for an entry level processor is alot of money, id wait till summer until the prices start coming down if you're planning an upgrade.

    you'd also need a new mobo, which cost another 300 bucks iirc
  11. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    e8400 is where it's at atm...

  12. yaaa i know, i checked the comparisons with my 3.16ghz DC vs quads and in most cases it was the same of duel was better as most programs dont use quad.

    thats why i choose DC, ill get quad when they are cheaper and more relevant.
  13. runtohell121

    runtohell121 ........................

    • NEW Intel Core i7 920 Processor (8MB L2 Cache, 2.66GHz)
      Intel quad-core Nehalem based CPU (4 Cores x 2 threads / core)
    • 4GB DDR3 (1066MHz, 4 DIMMs), 500GB, DVD Burner
    • Dell 23 inch S2309W LCD Monitor, 512MB ATI Radeon HD 4850
    • Multimedia Keyboard, Laser Mouse, Vista Home Premium SP1, 64-Bit
    • 1 year InHome Service, McAfee SecurityCenter 15-months
  14. alauxd

    alauxd Member

    now i think thats just a little overdoing it. no software out now even supports it. wait about 5 years
  15. BestOffer

    BestOffer Well-Known Member

    is a quad-core with hyperthreading, so it shows as 8 cores under windows task manager BUT this cpu will be expandable to 8 cores with HT (aka 16 cores in windows)

    not really that expensive, i got my Q6600 for $480 when everyone or retail sells it for $600 and the board to support it cost $300 elsewhere (i paide $150 for it) ... so when comparing for $300 for the base model of the i7, this is a lot cheaper than my Q6600 already. but i think i will move onto dual Xeon quad system for my next system...(i upgrade every 18-24 months)
  16. 1234566

    1234566 Member

    I think the i7 is going to be faster then any other processors out now anyways and thats enough
  17. BestOffer

    BestOffer Well-Known Member

    10-30% faster
  18. tonkachi

    tonkachi Well-Known Member

    i'd too much rather have a server level processor for my next machine. i'm lookin at the opterons since i do more VM ware and the xenon's just aren't really made to do too much virtualization.

    in my opinion unless your doing high level process applications like 3d modeling and cad operations a quad core processor is purely over kill....barely any application would use it to its full capabilites. its just like 64bit os. its there and people have it but no really applications can truely take full advantage of its abilities cept for adobe's new CS4 suite.
  19. p3ps1c0la

    p3ps1c0la Well-Known Member

    Not exactly true. Everyone can benefit from i7's because of Intel's new turbo mode which is a good part of what makes even the entry level i7 so powerful. See video here.
  20. Aznbol

    Aznbol New Member

    The I7 core is cool and faster, but on the expensive side for me I'll just stick to a DC or QC for now since the price between them aint much of a difference, The I7 difference is that motherboard runs on a different slot which cost around the same price for the chip so buying i7 would put a hole in my wallet.