Blind Faith

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by Pancakes, Nov 23, 2008.

  1. Pancakes

    Pancakes Member

    Hi, been here long time ago (never a poster, just a lurker). Just forgot my old login details so I just made a new one. I'm surprised this user name wasn't taken. Anyway.

    Blind faith in relationships. What do you think of this? Will you have blind faith in your partner, both in "big" and "small" things?

    I believe that, in general, you should have some sort of "blind faith" in your significant other in order to be able to be together for life. Though I do think there is a "limit". Personally, I wouldn't have wanted my partner to have complete blind faith in me, because sometimes I make wrong decisions and I rely on him to turn me back to the right way. Of course, I do wish he would still have faith in me, though I'm not so sure about "blind" faith.

    Does having blind faith in someone mean to say "no" to your own instincts and feelings? If so, I don't think I really like this idea of "blind faith". Discuss.

    Edit: I edited my OP since my issue is not longer an issue and I felt a bit uncomfy talking about myself so much LOL I intended to make this thread as a discussion on blind faith in general and not so much about my own situation, but I think I was pretty misleading in my original OP about this when I read over it again today soooooo I editededed it. xD Thanks~
    #1 Pancakes, Nov 23, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2008
  2. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    First off .. LDR never works out .. sorry to say that but most just don't ...

    As for blind faith wise, I think you should just trust yourself and own instinct about what to do and when to do it. Trusting someone doesn't mean you should not listen to yourself. Regardless of right or wrong, at least you made the decision. Don't just blindly trust someone cuz if something bad was to happen, s/he can't do much either. For example, if you trusted your bf and crossed the street with the fast oncoming car which subsequently hit you (knocked on wood), do you think he will take care of you or push you out of harms way .. you don't know but the probability will most likely be NO.

    Keep in mind your relationship is only 8 months long and it's LDR so it's still in the working stage and even when things are settle and stable, you can't rule out that poor judgment by your bf too ... human do err .. what you think and how things turn out are completely different ... good luck.
  3. Pancakes

    Pancakes Member

    Firstly I'd like to say that I did not wish for the discussion of whether LDR works or not to be discussed in this thread, as there is another thread for this. I've only included saying that because it -might- be part of the reason why I have not yet "built up" on my faith.

    However I do agree with trusting someone doesn't mean I should put my own feelings down. The little disputes we had on both occasions weren't anything big, though it makes me wonder if something similar will happen again on "bigger" things.

    But I do have confidence in maintaining this relationship, because... well, these things you just kind of "know". I'm just pondering thoughts. xD I didn't mean to make this thread sound like I was needing help directly with my relationship, by the way (just in case it came off like that! xD), because I'll be speaking with my boyfriend if that's the case. But, it never hurts to listen to more opinions.

    Thanks for your input!
  4. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    i dont think so, i would like to believe that trusting in someone else is good but at the end of the day u should decide for urself
    id like to see it as getting advise, sometimes u listen to them but at times u do what u want n think is right he should respect that
    u dont always have to do what HE thinks is rightotherwise hes quite a "daai laam yun"
  5. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Answer to first question: Yes, blind faith defies logic of everything that we base our daily beliefs on. For example, under normal circumstances, you would not step off a cliff because you know that you would fall to your death. Blind faith is if someone else comes along and tells you to step off that cliff anyway because he guarantees you that you will not fall, and you believe him and step off. Thus, you have suppressed your own instincts for survival and feelings of fear, substituting it with a belief that defies all logic with a faith in the words of another, which you follow blindly. -worship

    Answer to second qualified statement: What you like or dislike is inconsequential to the meaning or definition of the phrase "Blind Faith" -shock

    Answer to third request: See the above. :laugh:

    My question to you is, why is having 'Blind Faith' so important to you; do you like the tonality of the words as they roll off your tongue? Does the idea imbue you with a heightened sense of romanticism? Why is it so important in your relationship with this self absorbed risk taking individual, who cares little for his or your personal safety, and that you've only known for a few short months, that you rarely even see?
  6. DKNY

    DKNY Well-Known Member

    U have to ask you bf when will this long distance relationship end, so u guy can see each other everyday. If this long relationship is forever, then you should find another guy.
  7. Pancakes

    Pancakes Member

    Heh, yeah. Blind faith isn't something I want, hence it's not something that's important to me. If it was, then I'd guess I have no problems crossing that road! xD

    But I did end up discussing this with him. We came to a conclusion where neither of us wants blind faith in each other (in most situations), and he also decided that he wasn't meant to pull me across the road. Of course we could've went through fine, but I was just being me for being cautious and he knows it as well (which is good). The second "incident" I spoke of was really more or less my fault, but he said it wasn't because I didn't have that "blind faith" in him, but it was how I went about the problem (oops!).

    So both him and I decided we'd say a big nono to blind faith. But then again, there's so many situations that could be different. For example, if there's something where one of us really puts our hearts into the decisions for something and cares a lot, while the other doesn't really mind, then the "blind faith" is okay there. But it's not okay when you have your own strong doubts.

    Which sometimes make me wonder how people can go about having blind faith in people. I know of a couple where the guy, like MissCheekS said, "dai larm yun". As for how the girl puts up with him, I have no clue. I know that her family members tried to discourage her in the relationship (he's not really nice because of his dai larm yun attitude), but she'd stay with him and I assume put all her faith in him. Now, that's true blind faith for ya. /shakes head.

    But I'd like to clear up that he's not a self absorbed risk taking individual. :x The crossing the road thing was only a mild example and it's not something he did each time we crossed the road (only happened once, anyway). Usually I'd pull him to the lights half way up the streets but we were both dead tired that day so we were too lazy to walk up there. xD And and and I love him. /random

    Edit: I edited my OP since my issue is not longer an issue and I felt a bit uncomfy talking about myself so much LOL I intended to make this thread as a discussion on blind faith in general and not so much about my own situation, but I think I was pretty misleading in my original OP about this when I read over it again today soooooo I editededed it. xD Thanks~
    #7 Pancakes, Nov 23, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2008
  8. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    ^ its not like its a bad thing or anything, but i think blind faith (one way) just makes things inbalanced... wouldnt it mean that one person would be relying on the other one a lot?
    i mean one person constantly relying on another person isnt good either right?
    gives the other one a lot of power + pressure?

    anyway, all u both gotta know is that u guys CAN rely on eachother at TIMES when u really really need it
  9. Pancakes

    Pancakes Member

    I edited my opening post as you made the reply o: oops~

    Yeah. The couple I spoke of had it one way, so it wasn't really healthy. I do agree with the imbalance thing. I think a little blind faith never hurts, just not always used on "big" things that required "big" decision making.

    I don't like blind faith as much as not liking it when people are too stubborn and strong about their own opinions and refuse to take in other people's views. Those are usually the ones where blind faith occurs, anyway.
  10. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    i disagree with you .. every couple has their own way of communication .. some ppl just like being controlled whilst others like to be in control .. the only time i think it's not healthy is when someone is physically hurt by another cuz the life is endangered in that type of situation. emotionally if one person can tolerate it; then obviously, that's not a prob. like you said in another post, divorce is so easy that anyone can do it; get it over with; and move on with their life if things truly don't work out these days.

    i do know some older generations stayed together regardless of how bad they husbands/wives treat them simply cuz of children and family traditions/responsibilities/obligations .. now that's tragic but that's another how new topic. point is that "tai lam yuan" doesn't mean "unhealthy".
  11. Pancakes

    Pancakes Member

    Ah, that's true..
  12. ghostsxy

    ghostsxy Well-Known Member

    i have tried putting blind faith towards someone and got burned badly for doing it, i will never believe anyone blindly anymore