An Eye For An Eye

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by MissCheekS, Nov 27, 2008.

  1. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    dude...if i get raped i wouldnt mind the rapist getting raped...taste of own medicine is what its called...but yea in EVERY case there should be ENOUGH evidence that the person is the one who committed the crime...

    n whats the difference between the criminal n victim? its that the victim is really innocent whereas the convict did do something wrong...
  2. xzmicozx

    xzmicozx Well-Known Member

    "An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind..."

    jus remember that!!!
  3. xzmicozx

    xzmicozx Well-Known Member

    "An eye for an eye will the whole world blind..."
  4. ^ no need to double post....

    but yeah solid proof is needed before actions should be taken by this rule....
  5. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    This kind of case nearly always elicits strong knee jerk emotional components of what "justice" should entail when an adjudication decision needs to be made. Many advocate the vengeance approach, where a similar loss or criminal impact is inflicted (by the state) upon the perpetrator. The reasons listed are many, but centers on the basic precepts of fairness; ie, that if one engenders a loss in another, then he too should suffer an equal loss. This sounds amazingly fair in theory but in actual application it is not as clean and clear cut as it first sounds. Another is a concern of the state that has literally no connection to the crime; that of maintenance of civil order. That is, a punishment must be designed to be so horrible that, by its fearsome nature, would discourage others from pursuit of similar conduct (eg, the recent sentencing of a Malaysian housewife to 18 years prison term for her repeated and chronic physical abuse of an Indonesian maid).

    If we adhere to the first course, this would means that the man just blinded by the court will now be handicapped, and he will either be a beggar on the street, or would be placed on the public dole; exactly like his victim. So is this fairness? And to whom are we being fair to? If we choose the second course, then what of the victim and their loss of livelihood, would that be considered real justice?

    Obviously this venue is not geared not towards prolonged discussion of a topic as intensely worthy of debate as this (crime and punishment as a subject has, and continues to be, hotly debated in many quarters). However the above is simply provided as a little food for additional thought.

    So blind in fact, that they may need to post twice, LOL... (hmmm... is there an echo in here...?) -huh

    Since you can't get UN-raped, would the perpetrator getting a dose of his medicine, give you the feeling of fair compensation? Personally, I believe that every criminal be made to work extra hard, that all their resources and money that they make for the rest of their lives be put into a government fund (like social security) used towards lifetime compensation of victims. Inotherwords, your rapist will have to work the rest of his life for you and other similar victims. Sort of like alimony for the criminal, it nominally compensates the victims at little cost to the state.
  6. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    ^ Do u think any rape victim would wanna be near a rapist? Imagine if ur a woman who got raped, would u wanna be near a rapist?
    even i myself find those kind of ppl disgusting....
    in some cases ppl deserve second chances call me stubborn, if im a victim sorry, no second chance for the person who did such horrible thing to me....or any other woman i know
  7. and what if you were accused of being a rapist and u never did such a thing? Would you really want to be butt rapped in turn when you never did such a thing? or just pretend the person is your brother or father and boyfriend, there are lots of cases where the women is not sure of who the rapist really is and turns out years later the person is innocent after all. Lets say you sit in prison for half a year before finding out you were innocent after all but at least you weren't butt raped in turn or lose out on an eye forever. It might sound good on paper but there are major flaws that can go with this law like say a stabbing occurs and the person survives, would it really be humane and see if that person gets stabbed back and see if they survive too? would you really want to see a 16 year old go through that again? maybe it was out of impulse, instinct or rage and you know things like that happen and people really regret later.
  8. gordonng85

    gordonng85 Well-Known Member

    pretty scary moment
  9. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    yes i can sit and watch the 16 y/o get stabbed for his crime .. young or old, there's no excuse. children nowadays are a lot more violence than before. i remember when i was in grade school, a fifth grader was mad at the teacher for not letting him out during recess for not completing his reading assignment, he stood up and stabbed the teacher in the face with a pencil. i've seen so many crimes by your kids these days that somehow, somewhere, and someone should take action. flaw or not, i feel the action to be considered only when all hard evidences are in; that the only thing.

    let me tell you kids in america get away with so many things with the stupid judicial system. anyone under 18 y/o only get sent to the juvenial hall and the record is erased upon 18. a lot of gang use young kill to pull the trigger cuz they know that kids can get away easy. i also know of two cases near chinatown in san francisco back in the late 80's and early 90's where that took place. a 15 years old boy walked into a restaurant and start shooting .. killed 3 and wounded 2. the kid claimed pressure from the gang and stuff .. 2.5 yr at the juvenial hall and released.
  10. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    I think you're misunderstanding what I'm saying; I never said to give anyone a second chance, but rather to consider that victims are never really compensated by criminals. The idea has always been to serve time in prison and pay back their criminal debt to society. I was thinking of something more concrete in terms of victim restitution. That is, all criminals should be required to pay a crime tax, the amount depending on what the crime was, that the government then collects and disburses amongst crime victims. This feature of the justice system would be above and beyond the repayment of debt to society, as it would the the repayment of debt to the victim.
  11. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    MissCheekS sounds scary, just like the queen of heart in Alice in Wonderland
  12. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    i would agree with you if they actually live poorly and work their asses off; however, that's not the case per se. it seems to me that they are getting free education and living life carefree whilst waiting for the release date. works are minimal to my understanding cuz who can trust them to do any important work. after all, majority of the criminals are either uneducated or have very little education so the only type of work is hard labor but even that's difficult cuz the last the you want is these criminal accessing heavy machinery .. lol ..

    i think angie is focus more of making them suffer emotionally, mentally, and physically. personally, your idea is a more equitable solution but realistically, i will side with angie .. people need to bear the consequence by experiencing what they did to others .. only then will they learn .. quite frankly, people only learn through pain ... lol
  13. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member


    Jail = Paid shelter, food, and care. I hear about homeless people who deliberately get thrown in jail because, to them, it's essentially free food and shelter.

    Guess who pays for it? Your tax dollars.

    My idea of a punishment would be a bullet in his skull but an eye for an eye is not half bad.
  14. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    That's right .. straight the point .. can't get anymore clearer than that ... lol
  15. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    I think you're still misunderstanding what I'm saying, because I never once advocated giving criminal free education or letting them buff up at tax payer expense. My personal belief is that prisoners be allowed to better themselves, given better accommodations, or better foods, only with certain cooperative behavior. That would include testimony to indict former crime partners, enlisting in work programs where the pay is then used to provide victim restitution, etc. Forgive me, having actually locked assholes up, I am in no way soft on crime, or criminals. I just don't believe in how the criminal justice system just warehouses these thugs when we can get productivity out of them, AND still be in accordance with legally acceptable principles of never forcing any of them to do something that they didn't agree with. It's all a matter of direction and motivation. My vision would be a self sufficient profitable prison, where prisoner work output makes enough money to run the prison, compensate victims, and induce a very low rate of recidivism, all at no tax payer expense...

    And you're right, Cheeks is all about vengeance.

    Yeah, but would you mind that I work him to near death over 50 years first? You can kill them when I'm done. Gosh, doesn't anyone here ever read Soviet history? It would be such a waste to just knock em off right away... Shit, I only wish Obama would pick me...
  16. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    ^ ic .. lol .. good points but with politics these days .. i don't think it will ever come to fruition .. self support prison ... after all, those working in the prison aren't as smart in the first place .. you can't expect governmental workers to be highly educated, do you? there is a minority of them but most just join in with the lazy and dumb attitude of the rest of the workers .. sad. for now, i guess capital punishment is the best option since we are short on resources and prisons are taking up space. Shit, even death is so hard .. we have to find the most humane way .. lethal injection hurts too much .. lol .. bullet through the head will be a lot faster .. harsh but fast. people protest for all sort of pathetic stuffs. they complaint about high cost, increasing rate of crime, and now even the death of these criminals ..
  17. i'm talking about an eye for an eye i think you're trying to refer to capital punishment or at least it sounds. So if a 5th grader stabs a teacher in the face you think it would totally be justified and humane if we stabbed him/her back in the face?
  18. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    why not? it's a violent kid and he needs to get hurt to know the consequences; otherwise, he thinks it's okay. i am not gonna get cuz i am protected by law cuz i am a kid ... we're living in a society where spanking is abuse .. wtf is wrong with that? aside from violence, kids lie extremely well too ... anyway, i hate to admit but as violent and harsh and cruel as it may sound, kid or not, gotta feel the pain to learn the lesson these days.
  19. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    I dont think i can rest if i or anyone else i care about gets hurt or even murdered n walks away with it.... i think id feel more relieved if the person had suffered too....
    I just dont think i can rest ....but in a justified way! meaning ALL evidence is there

    Hmmm.... make criminals pay $$$ is good if there was a fraud crime committed but if u can pay back money after uve killed somebody its like paying off what u did u know?

    Ok lets say, I think an eye for an eye treatment is good for like: serial killers, serial rapists, people who have planned out their crime n cases like the article i have posted

    say like that stuff that happens in middle east n they get killed by their dad to save the families "honor" dont u think its more than justified to kill the dad?

    It sounds cruel to say yes, stab the 16 year old (angs example).... but if i get to choose to the dutch way, let the kid go after few months jail or an "eye of an eye treatment" i think id go for the latter
    far too many times i read in the newspaper how ppl kill innocent ppl n get released after a few years because of their "good behaviour" in jail...

    E.G. this guy who shot down a dutch politician because he thought that the politician was a threat for society... Now he got 18 years (WHICH IS A LOT FOR MURDER IN NL)
    Which was probably because of the media circus so they couldnt give him a mild punishment right?
    But cuz hes behaving well, he will now be released in 12 years!

    6 years makes a lotta difference u know? do u think this is good?

    How about this one:

    3 gay haters in NL decide to inject gay guys with blood with HIV virus...
    They go to gay parties n just randomly pick a few... drug them n inject them with the blood...

    So, 5 of these are PROVEN.... n they have been found guilty of that!
    What's the sentence:
    1 guy who came up with the idea got 9 years
    1 guy who helped him got 5 years
    1 guy got 1,5 year because he was under influence of drugs n alcohol

    even the lawyer of the last guy was surprised cuz he expected his client would get abt 5 years...
    WTF?? isnt this bloody ridiculous??? This annoys the hell out of me....!!!

    Or something else ridiculous they get to visit home for a weekend under probation.... n guess what!
    They kill somebody while they are on their visit....
    Why be so nice to criminals? I dont understand...the dutch jail is sooo nice...

    - u have to work n u get 75euro cents an hour hey, isnt that more than a kid in india makes in a whole day?
    - people from outside are allowed to donate u money
    - u can rent a TV
    - when u enter jail u can let them know what type of food u prefer
    - when ur in jail n ur not happy with somethin u can file a complaint (costumer service?)
    #39 MissCheekS, Nov 29, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2008
  20. im glad this part of the world isn't as backwards thinking as you guys are, you know this is even worse then captial punishment its like going back 1000 years. We try to do things humanely and justifiably depending on the circumstances, just image all the cruel shit we'd have to do back to other people for an eye for an eye, if you think a 5th grader should get his/her eye poked to be even then please don't insight me on your other views about life. Now for the jail thing, what they should of done in my view is to put them in jail for life.