FF XIII and FFvXIII New Trailers

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by [N], Dec 12, 2008.

  1. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

  2. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    hmm, so it looks like Versus has nothing to do with the other FFXIII... they both look like they should have some fucking good stories though.

    i think i just came.
  3. matethemouse

    matethemouse Well-Known Member

    I believes that I read somewhere that all the XIII games have a common theme (some sort of special crystals). Just too bad PS3 don't have enough "great" games to convice me to buy it. Think I just have to wait till the last years of PS3 to get one (Like I did with PS2)
  4. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    the music makes ff13 more epic though...
  5. burpyierz

    burpyierz Well-Known Member

    man this looks so amazing but its a shame its gonna force me to buy a PS3, i guess ill wait till the end of the PS3 days to get one cheaper than now
  6. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    ^ sony is just gonna keep coming out with more gigabytes of storage and bumping up the price to 399 every time they feel they are losing market share

    it pisses me off. i think it should be illegal.. it probably is
  7. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    haha thats probably in like 5-6 years? don't forget ps3 is only 2 years old and i expect it to have like a 7 year lifespan at least. sony said 10 though, but technology is evolving too fast.
  8. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    we still don't know the full capabilites of a ps3 considering that the system has constant updates... that's been the best part about the ps3 as of yet... it continues to evolve into a greater system... so this generation for sony could very well run 10yrs...

    newayz... back on topic... is it just me or does FF13 seem to have a lot of elements that remind me of starwars? just from the trailers...
  9. ^ in terms of untapped capabilities all it can possibly do is put out more pwetty graphics, its not about the power of the system, its about the games and without that it has no chance so 10 years... a little to long.

    i gave up on FF after FFVII which is still the best
  10. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    so are u saying u know the outcome of the entirety of sony's, for the sake of simplicity the normal 5year, title releases? and that they will all bomb and sony has no chance? and therefore would never make the 10yr plan?

    and just for the record... the PS2's still selling, and it's in it's 8th yr...

    just cuz ur condemning the PS3 to holy hell cuz the 360 has a motorstorm equivalent, iirc, doesn't mean the PS3 didn't have a solid lineup this year, nor next... -.-;

  11. Nope, i dont know the future and neither do you with your 10 yr plan so my opinion is just as valid as yours sir

    Thats no surprise, my little sister bought herself a ps2 not to long ago because she wasn't willing to fork out for a PS3. but i doubt the Ps2 is sony's main money maker.

    Sorry im not aware of a holy hell so i wouldnt condemn anything to such a place, its not about motorstorm i see your still on old stuff, i really hope the ps3 has a few games lined up, more than likely the box will be getting them too. -lol
  12. TrueTai

    TrueTai Member

    woooooh i have to wait a long time.... :(
  13. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    the 10yr plan is not my plan... it's sony's plan... it's not my opinion, it's sony's announced plan for their product... i'm just simply stating why sony would think that way...
    that's not the point, the point is, a system's life span can and often does run well beyond into the next gen... so whatever sony's true plans maybe, it doesn't mean they won't make a next gen console to run along with the ps3...

    cheeky, but w/e... the PS3 atm has the stronger exlusive lineup over the 360 after this holiday season... this is fact, not opinion, but of course, i'm not u so i can't vouch u'll like the game even if it does sell millions of copies...
  14. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    gaaaaahhh, is there a release date for this game yet?

  15. Lets just wait and see, im always looking for a reason to buy a PS3, maybe ill get one next year
  16. burpyierz

    burpyierz Well-Known Member

    the first one with the male hero, the characters seems to be a mix of different FF and i especially like the gray haired hero, im tired of blond haired heroes, my favorite char is Zack even if he wasnt playable in FF7 lol
    while the second one seems to suck a bit, i hated luna of FFX and X-2 lol
  17. ^ FF is mainly about the blond feminine looking dudes, i guess there is a market for it lolz
  18. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    i would say it feels more like a disney/ kingdom heart ish.

    2009 in japan gotta import. ps3 ain't region locked haha
    too bad most of the games announced for next year are sony developed, that will be like halo 3 going to the ps3. but yea unfortunately the games i care about are going multiplatform.
  19. ^ you mean fortunately?
  20. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    no, unfortunately... why shell out 399 to play on a system with no good exclusive titles when you can buy an xbox with the same games for 199

    and id rather wait for FFXIII than import it... i wouldnt understand the story or anything on a japanese title... plus all the menus would be in japanese, it would be fucked up