ok guys, just want some advice on this matter - im on the verge of being in a relationship, but pretty clueless on how to make sure that it is stable and secure for the girl. What can I do to make sure that she is mine - and not anyone elses? And btw, i want it to be simple - and not fancy dates like all the time (since im kinda skint). But i know for sure, I like that girl very much to be called mine v.soon. And she feels the same for me too
I think the most important thing in any relationship is trust as long as you trust one another the relationship will always be secure and stable, at least that is how it was for me and my wife we have been together for 6 years now and still strong. Other then that i cant think of any other advice.
Have u asked her out yet? cos if u havent....then thats te best way to go first in securing ur girl lol ask her out....if u both feeling the same...an then just be the once to take the first step.... as for the simple/fancy dates.....i'm sure u can talk about it with her an if her 'yiew kow' is not that high then u'll be just fine an then u can use the fancy dates to suprise her once in a while or when u got mroe money....
lol may - Ive blown nearly £50 on my 1st date with her and she sed she's comin, hehe.. yep, just hope she doesnt ask too much, considering my circumstances... I just hope the bond between us two (which is pretty strong) can overcome problems like that which can help quite a lot over the long run..
I also think that communication with each other is also important. Communication is the basis for all relationships. Ask her what she feels about you and also tell her how you feel. You want to know how to make her happy and one of the ways is through communication. You can know a girl better through communication. For my case, me and my girlfriend always talk to each other on everything no matter what. Communication helps me know my girlfriend better (what she likes and dislikes) that I might not aware of.
First of all, =] (smile) secondly, words won't mean much until you experience it yourself thirdly, you are going to experience ups and downs. Be ready to gain experience and possible you may not make the same mistakes in the future. I don't be mean or any thing but, if it is your first relation, it is going to be your so called " work experience?) LOL. Finally, good luck. this is from my perspective, everyone else is different. tips: don't be too clingy, maintain your power in the relation, do not be always be the nice guy (trust me). Don't lower your values as a guy, e.g. she tells you to go get her a drink infront of her friends, tell her to come with you or some thing) . I know my stuff okay! If your too clingy, she may not cherish the relation. Keep her interested, don't always agree with her. Don't play the prince role all the time, or good game (you will see for yourself, you can play that role some times, this shows you are mysterious) you maintain her interest in you. Also don't pay for every thing until she is your girlfriend, well. PS: the good guy in most cases, stand in the rain holding flowers while the girls are interested in the jerk. Here's a theory, they think they can change the jerk. lol. i could go on but i am lazy. so there you go. Good luck. IF ANY OF THIS IS USEFUL, THANK ME OKAY! This is prob the longest reply i typed, so yeah.
Thanks for all the advice guys, would take them to my heart n be the bf that she needs.. n thanks lala_bel_tempo for such an insight into it , ^^
put a nicotine patch on her while she is sleeping so she develops a nicotine addiction and associates the feelings of contentedness while she is with you and has withdrawal symptoms when she doesnt sleep with you.