it wasnt till just now that i realized how much of a life i've got ><" btw, how do you make an animated picture as your avie?? it never works for me!
lol awww fail maverick. so let me send some Wu Chun your way! lol oh Justin Lo isn't hot or anything but he makes me laugh.
He's so cute arrrr. -bigclap Who is he? Btw, I think only VIPs can upload animated pictures as avvies.~~ Haha, this is from one of his MV's. -^_^ I'm gonna steal it, rawwrr.
this is gonna need to be moved into the image subforum lol. i love how the guy .gifs are all just a bunch of posers playing with their faces flopping their hair around and all the girl .gifs are just T&A. guys and girls definitely have different tastes
i don't know who he is, but he looked yummyy, so i posted it lmao, does that turn you on?? cause it reminds me of those "world's fattest people" for some reason.