So Kdot suggested that a TO meet would be nice but he's too shy to post. He would prefer to have an all girls meet + him alone. He will even go as far as paying all the drinks for the ladies. -evil He suggested So who would be up for it and which day would be good for you all? Suggestions would be appreciated. Attendees: 1- Wind 2- Dann (maybe) 3- AC0110 4- Kdotc 5- Khaotic (maybe) 6- gordonng85 7- Ralliart
maybe we should replace kdotc with ur own name eh winddd..... pay up n hope they will put out hahahaha i mean show up!
Im not even from TO Are you jealous that your bf Kdot will hit it off with the TO girls instead of a LDR with you Angie? :biggthumpup:
lol kdot is a homosexual, always trying to mention my name in all of his toronto related posts sorry bro, i don't swing that way perhaps you can try your luck by flying to melbourne to see a certain someone there
Why is everybody fighting over Kdot, it's only kdot. Hmmm. Depends on the day, and who's going. lol. Are there no girl on PA from TO?? -what?
^ lol im jealous? it sounds like a bloody gayfest with only guys...hahahaha just the way u like eh wind... anyway, im not into meetings.... even if it was in NL lol its like this jolly chin gathering....
^ angieee prefers 1-to-1 meets....??..:kekekegay:.... yeshhh there just havent come across them...... ham sup jai...good lucky...i think dann tried to sort a meet not long ago as well...
you always into those kind of " " thoughts eh... or you really jealous that you cant come we'll figure a way to mail kdot and dann to keep you warm -bigsmile angie prefers more than one... shes the wild type
no, i made a poll to see if anyone would be interested in a meet in no way was i actually gonna hold a meet myself tsk tsk bb, no assumption please
lol.. i really got the feeling only guys will go.,. ah well have fun guys! hope it will be as fun as the London meeting! ^^