Smoking ban extends to apartments in California city

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Maverick, Jan 28, 2009.

  1. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Yet another battle won :shifty:
    Knoc, at a certain point ya don't have to wear ya gas mask anymore -rotfl

  2. that is retarded...... how did this law pass >__<
  3. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    not that i smoke or anything, but i'm glad we dont have that in my area..
  4. weilinny

    weilinny Well-Known Member

    I can understand how smokers will feel about this, but at the same time, I'm glad we are moving towards a healthier lifestyle. I think it's unfair to subject non-smokers to the 2nd hand smoking.
  5. krazyaznboi

    krazyaznboi Well-Known Member

    about time
    smokes can drift into other peoples' room in an apartment
    finally some changes for cleaner air
  6. caveman

    caveman Active Member

  7. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    I'm a reformed smoker (quit three years ago) so I can certainly see both sides of the argument. But realistically, this arguing of neighbor against neighbor is idiocy at its finest. The fight shouldn't be between neighbors, but against tobacco sellers. In my final analysis, tobacco itself needs to be made illegal as a harmful substance that American corporations have knowingly sold and profited from even as it continues to destroy public health. People who applaud this decision unfortunately sidestep the fact that their addicted neighbors have been victimized even more so by tobacco; they not only get harmed by the second hand smoke, but also the first hand smoke too. And they have to pay money to do it. Tobacco companies love it when the focus of blame is placed on their victim as they can then quietly continue to sell and make even more money. -what?

    Hence, the real culprit here is the tobacco seller; its partner in crime is our government, who makes money by taxing the sale. Like a crooked cop who takes his cut and then allows the drug dealer to continue to sell his wares, your local government is the biggest reason why tobacco continue to harm US citizens, smokers and nonsmokers alike. If cigarettes cannot be legally sold in any state without a license, why then, do we allow licenses? Our states makes money from them, that's why. So, if you really want to stop smoke or tobacco products from harming society, petition your legislative representative to make tobacco selling illegal. :yes:

    While railing against a foul smelling addicted neighbor may make one feel good, doing so only avoids the issue and unwittingly plays into the hands of those that bear the biggest responsibility for the problem. Frankly, I personally am hopeful that the Obama administration finally takes big tobacco to task.
    #7 ralphrepo, Jan 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2009
  8. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Tobacco seller ain't going away .. they have a lot of lobbyist and campaign money going into every election just like the NRA. Quite frankly, I personally don't understand why people need to smoke in the first place when they know damn well it will destroy their own health as well as their love ones. Perhaps it may appear stupid to pass such a law or tax the tobacco products; public health advocates see these as a small steps to fighting against the gigantic tobacco industry.

    I have moved to California for over 2 years now and honestly, even these laws are passed; none has really been implemented on the daily basis. I recall that there's one that said you can't smoke within certain distance from school building, etc; however, I see bunch of high school kids and college students smoking right outside the school when I passed by on my way to work.

    Not just with smoking .. even the cell phone law was passed last year and no one really cares .. it's only $20 ticket. If life is so valuable and CHP wanna cut down on vehicle accident, you would think that the fine will be in the hundred so that one will learn the lesson. Not so the case here. So yeah, at the end of the day, it's all just blah blah blah. Even if you do get a ticket, you can get off from paying by going to court or attend an online court session to place your plead, etc...
  9. p1000

    p1000 Member

    yeah, good to know... wonder how to enforce that
  10. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    those smokes can get into cracks and walls if it's thin, and it hell annoying for non-smokers.
  11. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    something tells me im not too worried.