Wow .. that's GREAT. The more the merrier. I don't think they have to worry about diapers and stuffs cuz I am sure they will be asked to do commercial or stuffs along that line where they can get everything FREEEEE.
ooOOOo i read about this in the newspaper....congrats to her~~~~! but it kinda freaks me out a little how light them bb's are...and i know its coz there were 8 of them and most of the food from the mammi is shared out but still they're incredibly light
she must have ate LOADS during pregnancy... i mean think about it, so many woman eat more when they are pregnant....she must have eaten a whole buffet meal ever time it came to dinner time! Anyone dating those siblings better be careful...when there's twins theres already troubles with mixing up or confusions....imagine times that problem by 8.... congrats to her though lol x
dude... first of....1word....OUCH 2nd.... imagine havin to look after them or even getting all of em dressed n ready for school...ud need like a long long prep id just mark em with numbers
^ crisissss...who has money to afford 8 kids = HUGE HOUSE, loads of food,clothes, diapers etc....n not to forget a HUGE ass house.... nanny would just be :S lets hope these ppl are filthy rich like brad n angelina with their 6 kids
I saw this on the news, they were expected only 7 but it's 8 instead, indeed a lot of money will be need to feed these babies.
haha, some stupid neighbors was talking about this and they misunderstood saying that it was actually in my country that a woman gave birth to octuplets.. Wow,8 kids, it will sure be difficult for the woman
more news, not sure if it is true or not - from ABC News Neighbors told ABC News that the woman is a single mother in her thirties who already has six other children. It appears the family will live in a three-bedroom house bursting with babies when the octuplets are released from the hospital in an estimated two months. so that is 8 + 6 = 14 children