I'm a big fan of the R32. Spending 90k on a R32 would bring it to the Garage Saurus level. Then, we're talking Enzo-killers.-tongue2 What I like about the R32 is that some pieces are so rare even money can't buy. That is what makes it special.
My family owns a mechanic shop and we do inspections and modifications for a lot of the Skylines that are imported from Japan into Canada. You can get them for pretty cheap, right hand drive. To be honest, right hand drive isn't my style, makes passing extremely dangerous on undivided highways too. Because these Skylines are all at least 15 years old, their mechanical condition in most cases is pretty bad. 90% of the people that import them aren't Asian either for some reason. We're working on one right now where the driver ran too much boost and blew both turbos, which then blew the engine because the exhaust turbines got pushed through the engine and we found pieces of it in the muffler. We were able to fin replacement turbos, but the R32 engine's gonna be hard to find.
not legal in the states. you have to bring two over and crash one of them for the DOT. fill out a phone book worth of paperwork and wait about a year. either that or be a billionare
Okay. I know you guys are newbies but I'm going to explain why Skylines are still illegal and some aren't. I am talking about the legislation here in Canada so this won't apply to your country. Okay, any Skylines or Japanese cars which are manufactured before 1994 are actually legal in Canada. For instance, a Nissan Skyline 1994 is consider legal as of January 1st, 2009. The reason to this is any Japanese imported cars are permitted to be taken into Canada in a 15 years law. So the car has to be atleast 15 years old to have it brought here. So far, R32, R33 are consider legal. R34 is still illegal and R35 is legal in Canada. If you want a R34, you have to wait until 2013 in Canada for one. And yea, I saw a black R35 driving pass Kennedy/Sheppard once, I didn't get the chance to take the picture because my phone was still in my pocket and at the time, I was busy glancing at it. It was eye catching. I never seen a beautiful skyline face-to-face, so yea...
The new skyline I heard is street legal but it design looks alright, but one i heard in the states they are limited the engine output speed to like 120 or something around there.
It is illegel it depend where in the use it is illegel because of it backfire system and emmission but you can make it legal but get those thing for you emmissions
may I also add. The 15 year old law is effective TO THE MONTH. A Dec 94 car that lands here in January will not cut. You might not be able to insure/register your car. So watch it to all Canadians. _______ ___________ __________ __________ WHAT DA FCUK is my reaction when I read some of the replies on this thread. For the US, the Skyline needed to be landed, registered, and inspected on US soil before 2006 I believe. Anything after the Motorex scam is much harder to get it registered. They ARE legal in the States. There are NO power limit Custom , registration and inspection fees are around 7k-15k for some cars. That's why a R34 GTT ( non GTR R34 with a NEO6 RB25DET) will sell for 45k when it is worth 25k in Japan. Kapisch? backfire system? Initial D much? Unless you are running without a cat, octane 98, 750cc injectors, and a huge turbo, I am sure emissions will be similar to a large SUV. If a Hummer H2 with their claimed 13 mpg ( 18+ L/100km) passes emissions test, I'm sure any Skyline within 450 hp will be just fine
besides the new GTR, we in the states cannot legally import any Skyline unless we run through loopholes... OR we fined a licensed importer... there are some left, last i heard, the R33 was the only possible one to import through importers as there were a lot of cheap R33's at the time for DOT testing... this was also one of the reasons why Motorex was shut down, the other way to do it is to bring it over in parts and call it a KIT car... YMMV for this one... or u bring them in as track or show cars... and i think the "restriction" he's talkin bout is a governing chip, which i'm not familiar with atm... unless somehow miraculously there was a new rule change i haven't heard of or a new importer since 2yrs ago... R34's are not allowed... ever legally... R32's might be done by newer importers...