hes just an immature little perverted idiot... obviously the kid is MENTAL... it doesnt even shock me...these days even 12 year old girls post pictures of them selves on internet showing massive cleavage etc... n dude... isnt this what a lot of kids are forced to do in 3rd world countries? its a shame how some kids are forced to do such things n some kids are just plain stupid
Idiot; put him in jail, he'll discover soon enough what sexual service means... At a minimum, he should be arrested and have his computer confiscated for child pornography.
That naughty kid, whats he doing with HK450$ anyway, no way did i have that much when i was 12. Can a child be done for child pornography? im not sure if i read this right
is he desperately need of money? holy crap can't believe these kinda of things that's happeneing in the interest these days
Actually, the statutes against child porn do not have any age qualifier, ie. you do need to be an adult to commit the crime (at least that's the reading in the US). Hence, teenage girls & boys who have sex with each other and then email pics or vids of the act have been arrested for uploading and receiving Child Porn. I'm making an assumption that China's or HK SAR laws are pretty much the same in this regard. Eg. recently noted in the news: Police blotter: Teens prosecuted for racy photos and Girl, 15, Faces Child Porn Charges for Nude Cell Phone Pictures of Herself
This is just ridiculous. What has the world come to? A couple days ago, my co-worker's five year old son was propositioned in a private school. A girl said to him, "if you really like me, I'll have sex with you." It so happens the teacher overheard this and got everyone and their parents into a parent-teacher conference. During the conference, the girl was given two dolls and she started making moaning noises and sex talk, making the father pound the table in anger that he had to leave the classroom. The girl said she learned it from TV. Then the teacher asked my co-worker's son if he knew the difference between a girl and a boy and their private parts. The son replied that he has a sister and she didn't grow one yet! Now, all innocence is lost with these kids growing up so fast!
Using anatomically correct dolls with children who should not yet know about sex (and observing what they do with them) is the principle way to validate that the child has knowledge of the mechanics of sexual activity. Far from "learning it from TV" these are generally indications that the child is being sexually abused. From the description above, it seems to me that the girl in the story is a sex abuse victim. After learning the activity from someone, she is naturally doing what any young child would do; that is, share what she has learned with her peers. I hope someone has called the police. :Talktohand: