Resident Evil 5 (RE5) demo

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by *funkyellowmonkey(ps3 id), Feb 5, 2009.

  1. Been waiting for this, and tbh it's a bit of a letdown.

    The graphics are on the whole very impressive, but the controls are just horrible, they (Capcom) have kept an age old control/intentory system since the days of PS1! When loads of zombies coming for u, and u run outta ammo, u got to pause the game, enter inventory system change weapons and unpause, this is not so convenient at all these days and is not acceptable since most games in this day and age such as gears of war, GTA etc have real time weapon change with a tap of the d-pad.

    That's my main gripe, it coulda been so much better, i hope Capcom take note and perhaps sort it out finally in the next resi, if not, my moneys staying puts!
  2. ezkape

    ezkape New Member

    i just tried the demo of resident evil 5 last night, omg it's hard......... they move so slow
  3. yea.. not having fast weapon switch sucks...

    It's going for more action this time around.. but the controls makes it feel like yesterdays RE.. minus the scare factor..

    I'd poppin' like 10 bullets at a time.. run out and gotta go into inventory to switch to rifle.. and the damn gun is slow as hell.. to shoot and reload..
  4. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    fuck the demo was gay as hell...froze everytime on the loading screen. only one level worked but not even all the way through, freezes at loading screen gah!!!! and the run button (X) omg that sucks, have no problem with the shooting and inventory (might later on with the "equip" option and all. damn capcom gotta fix some bugs. game does look pretty good though. oh yea character movement does seem worst than re4, couldn't even execute a melee kill cause the movement sucks.
  5. lol my shit runs smooth.. speaking of which gonna go play now!!

    kinda stupid the jump assist.. can't even get the other person up on the ladder
  6. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    lol i got that chick over to the other side and she was getting ripped, but even after like 1 min of slaughter she's still alive barrel shot does the trick, demo seem easy as hell. but still gonna try again gah. fucking freeze!
  7. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    loading it now, will try 2morrow...
  8. fowunfi

    fowunfi Member

    Great Graphics ^_^
  9. D-Kimbo

    D-Kimbo Well-Known Member

    I played the demo, its pretty good, graphics are good, feel like the previous resident evil games

    and let me tell you....its ALOT more fun if you play co-op with another player or online co-op
    cause AI is retarded

    they truly made this game to be played with another person

    the controls have always sucked but people like it cause they are use to it
    many things are the same, but the new features are cool like co-op attacks and co-op healing

    wells there's my 2 cents...and I'm definitely getting this game
  10. yea.. I'd imagine the game to be solely enjoyable while playing with another person.. that way you can strategize together..

    feels like lotta games nowadays have that co-op element.. where you gotta look out for each other..
  11. ml_mobile

    ml_mobile Member

    the graphic looks nice. Both levels can play with no problem.

    Never play the other version, the interface agreed can be better. Strategy is not to hang in a place for long, always choose the best spot with cover, when swam; remember to bail from where you are, i.e., run (L+X), and also where to place your AI partner, e.g., on high ground while you scout the lower terrace, etc.

    Needs replay a few times to get the hang of it if no hard core gamer. If with auto-aim should be more fun, I guess... could be wrong.

    What do you reckon?
  12. I think auto-aim wouldn't help all that much.. considering it takes like 5 hs inorder to blow their heads off..

    I dunno.. might get the game if it gets good reviews..
  13. iPPi

    iPPi Member

    It's still got the old control mechanics and style of play -- not very streamlined or improved. It's supposed to add to the tension of not being able to control your character as well.
  14. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    fuck auto aim lol, the A.I. is so dumb that is not necessary.
  15. actually it's pretty crazy cause sometimes they'll try to dodge your shot.. its actually pretty funny seeing them bob n weave their heads.. lol
  16. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    lol anyways i heard in the final build you can move and shoot. dunno if its true though. it might be all those gears of war fanboys spreading the word.
  17. nah they confirmed that features not gonna be on there..
  18. ml_mobile

    ml_mobile Member

    but the ammunitions are kind of scarce and immagine you have to share with the other partner. those big axes and the chain saws are killers with just one hit or two...

    hope capcom can make this more interesting for beginner & advance gamers.
  19. Renovatio

    Renovatio Member

    I enjoyed the demo obviously they wouldn't be the best stages of the game but one the less it's the most time I've ever spent on a demo. :xd:
  20. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    after playing it through... i thought it was pretty darn good... especially since i got the PS3 version goin, i was greatly impressed... remember peoples, this is just the demo... and the online stability that i played with was incredible coming from the PSN...

    controls in general were pretty much what i expected from the RE franchise... remember guys this isn't gears or halo, this is RE... loved the larger emphasis on teamwork shown in the demo too...

    i thought there was plenty of ammo honestly... when the zombies drop ammo, u know there's plenty of ammo lol