I bought an old nvidia 7600 GS, which worked perfectly for about 2-3 weeks. Ever since a week ago, my computer couldn't boot up pass the first screen (the one with memory testing, hard drive boot up etc in XP) It turned out, something changed its BIOS boot sequence. Instead of first boot being HDD, second being floppy, and third being CDROM, it was first being CDROM, second floppy and third HDD. I changed it back to what it used to be, and then it worked fine. BUT now, something changed it again. first is now floppy, second is HDD, and third is some LS shit I don't know what. It's like something is changing it on it's own. Is it the card related? Can't figure this one out. Any ideas? EDIT: NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCK I SAW THE BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH FLICKER, AND IT KEEPS ON REBOOTING T_T can't go in safe mode, can't load previously working config, nnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooo
Do you get this message?: *NTLDR is Missing Press any key to restart Boot: Couldn't find NTLDR Please insert another disk NTLDR is missing Press Ctrl Alt Del to Restart*
That happened to my computer, luckily it was one of our casual pc's that anyone uses so i swapped the card for a FX5900 and now it works properly. your gona have to remove the card i thinks
No that doesn't show up i don't have a spare card, and no money to get a new one, but i've tried taking it out, and use the integrated one in the mobo, no dice =( my old man figured the battery must have died, since it is over 10 years old. when battery dies, it fucks up cmos. i swapped for a new one, still no dice =( it just seems as though as soon as it tries to boot the OS, it get's a BSOD flicker, and reboots....
Some stuff to try: - Did you reset the BIOS after changing the battery ? Preferably through a motherboard jumpers / pins if there is one, otherwise a reset to default settings in BIOS itself. Then make sure you change the settings back to the correct configuration for your system (assuming you knew the previous settings). Maybe your system won't boot due to, for example, wrong voltages/frequency for CPU, RAM, etc. - You say you cannot go into safe mode etc, in that same menu (which you can also get to by pressing F8 repeatedly before XP starts) do you have the option "Disable automatic restart on system failure" ? If so, choose that option to prevent Windows from rebooting when you get a BSOD. You can then tell us or Google the module that is causing the BSOD and hopefully find a solution.
can always try taking it apart and rebuilding it =) mite as well format everything and clean out all the dust!
Epic bump. So I think i figured out what happened. I busted out my.... dare I say it......... BOOT FLOPPY........... and tried to do an fdisk.... The thing is, IT DOESN'T DETECT THE PRIMARY HDD It boots the XP boot screen, and BSODs.... I think that only part of the boot sector of the HDD is intact, while the rest is fried. Will have to get a new one, and see how it goes. I'm just afraid that it will happen again. HOPEFULLY, it's due to the fact that the HDD is like... 6 years old....
It might just be a bad stick of ram, had that happen to me at work before. Take out a stick of ram, god forbids you only have one stick, and try booting it up.