the series shows stuff that ain't actually needed to be known which make watches like me bored of watching thast crap espically with linda in it
dam long and a couple of episodes and just dint bother to watch anymore. cant wait for it to end then can see "emergency unit " =D
When It first started and I saw it was like 80 episodes, I knew it would have been extended to the point of boredom. Just waiting for it to end so I can resuming watching other Series now
Yes... Maybe we are use to 20 episodes in recent years thats why we feel 80 is too long and getting boring after around 30...
Yes it is.. It is too long. and when it hits episode 70 onwards. it gets so confusing. at least for me. Lolz. it's probably just because i dont have enough IQ maybe? anyone else thinks that it is getting confusing?
i agree, 80 eps is just too much. Also in the beginning they spend ages just for one thing to happen and now i have a feeling the ending is going to be rushed since they spent too much time developing on the plot in the beginning when they could have done it in a few eps
I also think the show is too long. I only watch the first and last ten or so episodes. Just to see how it will end >.<
I think the show is way too long. I only watch bits & pieces while my parents watching it and i still think its boring.