Evasion to it's max... I think dodging is like the craziest shit in boxing.. It's like reading their mind ^^
some dude at my school was able to box somehow, i have no idea were he learnt but he got into a fight and did it on some guy and tore him apart doing the dodges and foot work.. was super impressive i admit, nobody wanted to fight him after that.
^ naa this was a school yard fight back in 1997 or 1998, mobiles were still huge bricks used only by businessmen. would have been cool if i had it though, he made the guy look so slow and stupid, was amazing
It has alot to do with their training and some luck...I would have liked to see some chicks go at it...
ive been attacked by a girl before, i know how dangerous they can be, especially if you care about how your face looks. luckily i got away with a scratch
Its only dangerous cause you'll feel like a douche for actually hitting em... learning not to feel bad is the key to not getting hurt yourself XD and that was an awesome vid!
Tyson's dodges were the highlight of that vid for me, the margin and the speed is pretty amazing. Also, what was up with that kid versus giant fight, hehe.