for some reason, they call spanish, latin, french, etc as a romance language. But wat about the asian language? Anybody kno the history of that?
well individual differences, some people learn differently but i find interacting i learn better. if you interact you're more likely to take in information similar how you would interact in class andl i found the DS really helpful ^^
its not easy if you dont know where to start, first you need to comprehend the japanese alphabet, you can memorize some English without knowing the alphabet but youll never know how to speak English, its the same with japanese imo. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez dont go copying anime lines, its just wrong and indicates your a nub
yup yup. you need to know the hiragana and katakana script table first and initially you're probably familiarising yourself with roomaji (english pronounciations of japanese) but you have to ditch that really
If by playing games I am learning to write Hirigana and Katakana and also some vocabulary I think it'll work for me!
firstly, learn hiragana... most important. u must practice everyday.. if your hiragana is not good, use romanjii textbook to assist you. For me, I take a 3.5 hour a class every week and try to practice and review the unit for 2-3 hours. that's 6.5 hrs I practice japanese. I would practice longer but still taking a full time program :( <- Japanese dictionary Now you can look up anything yourself with romaji turned on if you don't know hiragana.
There are so many ways of learning Japanese. You can learn through self-learning, group learning or attend classes.
personally, I watched a whole bunch of japanese videos and that helped me learn some japanese. took some lessons from the community centre and now I pretty much have all the basics down and can kind of string some sentences together.
never used genki but from what i heard,i dont really like how it includes the romanization.i find that learning like that doesnt really help in reading but does help in speaking.i used nakama back in college.served me well and afterwards i just went on and self learned the rest