Character Unlock 1. Akuma: After unlocking Sakura Kasugano, Dan Hibiki, Cammy White, Fei Long, Gen, and Rose. First finish the arcade mode (on any difficulty) with a character. Then fight Akuma on arcade mode, to do that get at least 2 perfect rounds, 2 ultra combo finishes (no more) before defeating Seth, and you can’t lose any matches nor use a continue when you die. Beating Akuma will unlock him. 2. Cammy White: Finish the arcade mode with Crimson Viper. That will unlock her. 3. Dan Hibiki: Finish the arcade mode with Sakura Kasugano. That will unlock him. 4. Fei Long: Finish the arcade mode with Abel. That will unlock him. 5. Gen: Finish the arcade mode with Chun-Li. That will unlock him. 6. Gouken: After unlocking Akuma, Sakura Kasugano, Dan Hibiki, Cammy White, Fei Long, Gen, and Rose. First finish the arcade mode (on any difficulty) with Akuma (and some say Ryu as well). Then fight Gouken on arcade mode, to do that, get at least 2 perfect rounds and 3 ultra combo finishes before defeating Seth, and you can’t lose any matches nor use a continue when you die. Beating Gouken will unlock him. 7. Rose: Finish the arcade mode with M. Bison. That will unlock her. 8. Sakura Kasugano: Finish the arcade mode with Ryu. That will unlock her. 9. Seth: Finish the arcade mode with all the other characters. That will unlock him. Any1 unlock all the characters yet? i just need to unlock seth now. POST YOUR PSN and XBOX LIVE!
i need fei long and dan, which version u had? i got for the xbox360 and bought specially the madcatz arcade joystick, plays perfectly, just need to get used to the stick
i got the 360 too..i m using the controller and kinda used to it now...still waiting for the joystick...i had to close my live acct cause of skoool but imma activate it back as soon as discipline myself lol
the gamepads are also good, i got one with blanka and if u ever played the sega genesis, is almost the same, ideal for playing SF. Madcatz did a nice job for these joystick and gamepad, i just dont understand why xbox version are more expensive then ps3
^ prove them rong im not gettin a fight stick until price drops reasonably =) and xbox contole is more comforatble on the fingers than the ps3 controller.... fukk i hate el fuerte...such a hassle..i gota keep trippin seth to win
true, surely they demand more for the 360 than ps3, but the ps3 pad i still not enough , well for Sf die hard fans or old school gamer, but with the stick every moves or supermoves are easily performed
i'm playing with the PS3 version. I love it. I don't have the pad yet... that's still coming, but then there's school... I've unlocked all the characters. Is it just me or is Seth at the beginning...was like super hard, but now as the game goes on Seth gets easier?
me too, just unlocked every character, gouken plays well, but i hate that rufus, he is every annoying, im quiet surprised by his speed with a size like that
Hmmm looks like i gota get this tomorrow :( im gona trade in 'infinite discovery' and pay whatever else i need to pay. first im gona look into this game to see if its deep enough for pro's, dont want a shallow nub button bashing soul calibre now
hmm i may have to wait till i get a ps3, just tried the M$ pad on SF2 i got on live arcade and its pants. the PS pads are the best for these games
you guys used Dan's super taunt? it made me laugh out loud! i still need to unlock Seth. I agree, the price for the fight sticks are ridiculous, but i see lots of 360 users complain about playing on their xbox controller, im doing fine in arcade mode with my d-pad and analogue stick on PS3
Haha, you have Rufus? That means that you're not a Yun/Yang player are you? Rufus is essentially the fat version of Yun/Yang. He has the dive kick that's pretty stellar, and it can be combo into his super. What's even better about Rufus, is that he CAN juggle characters!! I wasn't happy when Yun/Yang didn't get to show up to play in SFIV, BUT that's okay because I have Rufus as a sort of replacement. Another one of my new favourite characters apart from Gouken, and Rufus, is Abel. He's not bad. Best custom sticks Funny SF match
lol true, although i have never played with yun/yang much, but like u said rufus can juggle characters, that annoys me something