I think this should be started here.... I've been looking for some and its just impossible.. maybe some of you guys have it? I don't mind sharing some of mine..
I have Applied Statistics And Probability For Engineers - Montgomery && Runger and its solution manual, which discipline are you in? I'm in chem
Damn, I'm almost done with my program. Here are some of the solutions I collected over the years. The problems are the almost same in every edition but in different order. I may have more just post what you need. THERMODYNAMICS CENGEL 5TH ED Cengel_Heat_transfer_2e_Solutions_Manual Fluid Mechanics 5th Edition Solutions Solution.Manual.to.Engineering.Fluid.Mechanics.7th.Ed.0471219665 HIBBLER MECHANICS OF MATERIALS UNIVERSITY PHYSICS WITH MODERN PHYSICS 10TH ED. DYNAMICS HIBBELER11TH ED. MODERN COMPRESSIBLE FLOW **SELECT CHAPTERS** Cheers
Ahhh, if only I knew about solution manuals during my degree! Fung Shui, mind if I get all of those except the Physics off you please? Not sure how big the files are, or whether you have somewhere you wouldn't mind uploading to? Thanks heaps! ^^
Sure, when do you need them by? I have more time on the weekend. Manson and young are the the authors for the fluids book. I"m currently getting my hands on Introduction to Fluid Mechanics by Fox
using part of it for my fluid class with a red prancing horse F1 car on the cover :wiggle: Hmmm. F1 is on next weekend..:excite:
I am looking for a good CFD manual book / text book cause I will be needing it soon . Any suggestion ? *CFD = Computational Fluid Dynamics