Betrayed by your

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by negiqboyz, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Have you ever been betrayed by your very good friends before??

    Don't trust your friends too much especially WOMEN.

    My guy friend (A) told me he slept with (B) when they worked together in the summer. (B) and (C) were good friends. I am friend with all three (A,B,C). One day when I was on the phone with (C), she was totally bluffing that she knew there was something going on between (A) and (B) so I thought she knew about it. I was, yeah, they slept together but don't tell others about it. Next morning, I got a call from (A) that (C) was teasing him and (B) about their little secret and I was shocked and deny telling her about it. Turned out, (B) didn't tell (C) or anyone about it. (A) only told me so it was me. I got caught lying and our friendships were over; all three of us. I admit the words came from my mouth but it should've stopped at (C) when I specifically told her not to tell anyone.

    WOMEN have blabbermouth .. be careful. Not all, about 70% of them. That's how gossips get spread these days .. through those bitches.
  2. jli

    jli Well-Known Member

    sounds like you're the one who betrayed your friend A. dont blame no-one
  3. iris

    iris Well-Known Member

    ^ I don't see how he betrayed anyone. It really sucks when you think you know someone then they show their true colors.
  4. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    i am denying that I was a fault in the case but frankly, i truly thought (C) knew about it already since (B) and (C) were good friend.

    anyway, i brought it up cuz i ran into (C) today but i totally ignored her even when she said hello. sight of her just pissed me off and bring back those stuffs. i don't know why she did that back then. just don't wanna associate with such people anymore.
  5. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    "(C) was teasing him and (B) about their little secret" -- wtf, aren't you guys all adults? Unless (A) was married or has a gf, why should he care that you told people about it? It's not like he told you not to tell anybody about it. This sounds like high school all over again, no offense.
  6. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    thers are no secrets
  7. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    this was back in grade school; that's why you don't go blab things out. just like you don't kiss and tell kinda thing ... my guess was that (C) was mad that she has been good friends with (B) for so long but she didn't even know about it. anyway, yeah .. up to this day, that was the worst time of my life cuz i lost three friends. trust became a problem for me for a long time especially with women until i joined a fraternity in college where i got control of my life again. up to this day, i still feel awkward talking to (A) when there were get together party such home warming gather for old buddies or wedding. i have moved on; still can't help myself sometimes w/ the guilt thing hang over head even though i have apologize to him already ..
  8. iris

    iris Well-Known Member

    why would you apologize to that guy if he was the one that did something wrong? I don't get it ;o

    All you did was keep a 'secret'
  9. that's no way to treat anyone, even people you hate.

    i would have just said hi still. just because you don't want to associate yourself to some type of people, does not mean you should lack politeness, being courteous, and being well mannered.

    hell, there's this girl i really don't want to associate myself to, but i still show good mannerism, politeness, and courtesy.
  10. shadowchi

    shadowchi ~~♫ ♫ ♪ Himitsu ♪ ♫ ♫ ~~

    She called you over this matter, because she wasnt 100% sure about this, and wanted you to confirm it. You could have said something like: I don't know, why do you think so? If you have said something like that, you could have conclude wheter she knew about it or not depending on her reply (you were in grade school, cant blame you for that)

    But in the end, negiqboyz you are the one to blame -sweat
    Since you promised friend (A) not to tell anyone about that matter first, you shouldnt need to tell this to friend (C) even if she tempted you/bluffing it. You could have called friend (A) to confirm this wheter this was true or not.

    In friend (A)'s view, you misused his thrust. You cant blame him to not threat you like before, and you know that (as you stated in your first post with females)

  11. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    -detect Well, I'll put it this way; you'll probably never work for the CIA. LOL...

    Yeah, A never should have told you, you're the woman's source, which IMHO is being an even bigger blabbermouth. :ugh:

    Ask A, he has. -shock

    Don't call yourself names, it's really unbecoming... -bowroflarms

    The correct answer in the beginning should have been, "I'm sorry, who are you talking about again? Sorry, I don't know who those people are... As a matter of fact, who are you again?" LOL... Deny, deny, deny...
    #11 ralphrepo, Feb 28, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2009
  12. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    ^ i never deny it wasn't all my fault. i said that earlier. no, i wasn't a women's source; in fact, i didn't even tell my gf about it. i lost in the conversation with (C) and things should've stopped there.

    anyway, ok .. that was something that came to mind when i ran into that gal again.
  13. can i just ask is (B) a guy or a girl??
  14. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Listen buddy, I learned the hard way the things a women are expert at getting from a man; [1] Money, and [2] gossip. They have ways of making you talk. They can weasel the tiniest bit of info and then use it to weave an entire thesis, then blithely state with a look of straitlaced innocence, "oh, how did I find out? Ralph told me, he's been telling everyone..." :angel:

    LOL... Your biggest mistake was talking to the girl at all... :rl:

    Chalk it up to lesson learned and move on. But if you don't mind me asking; whassup with you this week? You seem to have an avalanche of toxic shit going on. Man, you got bad karma or what?
    #14 ralphrepo, Mar 1, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2009
  15. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    I still don't know why you're putting all the blame on (C), you should be blaming yourself for telling her. On top of that, as dann mentioned, the way you treat people when they "make a mistake" is childish as hell -- you make it so obvious that you despise them by ignoring them. It makes me wonder how old you are. Learn to forgive and forget, you'd be surprised at how positively people will view you -- "wow.. negiqboyz is such a cool person, I unintentionally offended him and he's already forgotten about it" instead of "what an uptight cocksucker, he's still pissed at me for what I did 3 years ago."
  16. wysandman

    wysandman Well-Known Member

    i agree with everything that rsx said, it's all in the past.
  17. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    honestly, i don't mind what (c) thinks .. when i chose not associate with someone, it's final .. you're invisible to me. btw, i hardly call what she did was unintentional.

    @ ralph .. yeah ... i dunno either ... i am gonna head oversea for a business conference and potential business client in a week so it's a good thing to get away from everything for a while.
  18. lovinglyxx

    lovinglyxx Well-Known Member

    woah your friendship with all 3 of those people was over because of that?.. jeez.. that's a bit harsh.. sucks that you thought that C knew, but she didn't and yea i think that's crap that she told them when u specifically told her not too.. next time just don't say anything unless your 100% the other person knows the "secret" too
  19. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    well, i guess we all bound to meet such type of people once in our lives ... we just gotta learn from it. trust is very fragile; once it's broken; no matter what you do, you will never earn it back. that's life. people say it so easy, forgive and forget .. it's a lot harder to do ... if life is only that easy, there wouldn't so many problems in this world. for me, the best way to deal with it is to not associate with such a person ever again .. perhaps to others, it appears childish or whatever .. everyone has different way of dealing with things ... there's no such things childish when it comes to relationship. some people choose to cry whilst others choose to get drunk or whatever .. baby cries and denier drinks . mature.. no ..
  20. mic_hsia31

    mic_hsia31 New Member

    all adult

    only trusted urself..i think they r all adults n no what r they doing..dun need 2 put d blames on anybodies..:naughty::naughty: