Why so many asian girls into white guys?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by Nawainruk, Jul 8, 2008.

  1. karsun118

    karsun118 Well-Known Member

    LOL, I find this particularly funny because compared to some of my Caucasian friends, I speak better English then they do. In fact, I have to proof-read a lot of their work before they submit stuff.

    In all, I would admit that a lot of Asian guys are typically shyer. Whether this is a culture trait I'm not sure. But I am sure that there are a lot of Caucasian guys who are shy.

    I did meet a girl who had Yellow Fever in her blood and she was Caucasian. I've known some other people who've been more into Asian guys, so they're out there!

    Another contributing factor may be that you don't want to date your own race. It's kind of like an "exotic" thing to date outside your culture, because it's different. Young people, we like to experiment right? If I'm wrong, my apologies, guess that's just me. But to put it another way, I bet a lot of Asian guys find blond girls to be a plus if they dated them, because you don't see too many blond-hair blued eyed Asians :D...again an assumption on my part, no offense to anyone.

    And that...me trying not to be rude, is a tendency of being a naturally shy person.
  2. trung

    trung Member

    hmm how bout 10000000 white girls go to asia. i bet then at least 1/2 of them will be hit by asian guys. this is american.duh of course lots of white r gonna hit azn girls.
    ppl u so dumb long time
    me liky no no
  3. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    speaking better english or even knowing proper grammar != smooth talkin charismatic speech... you may be an ace in proper english, but you may also be fail at grabbing a girls attention with your tongue...
  4. Paranoidandroid

    Paranoidandroid Well-Known Member

    Girls have inferiority complex, fantasize of being dominated by the white man

    Boys don't try to approach the girls, sometimes they look like girls themselves with Cloud hair and tight jeans

    Just generalizing, of course..
  5. nothincomin

    nothincomin Active Member

    white guys have a bigger organ and asian guys have a very small one.
  6. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    i hopin ur talkin bout the nose, else u got some esplainin to do -rolleyes
  7. 4myMIL

    4myMIL New Member

    I am older than most here, but browsing the forums to see if there is any advice I could offer.

    I am a white guy who married a chinese girl. We met off personals online, and she is only the 2nd asian girl I have ever dated and being in my 30s, I have dated and been in more than a few relationships and then some.

    What I found amazing is that her and her sister have never dated an asian guy, and they hang out with some white guys that only (and I mean only) date asian girls. When I brought this to their attention, it sort of angered them, but then it is laughed at.

    With them, they are attracted to white guys more for the lone reason that there aren't that many asian guys. The asian guys that are attractive to them are much more affluent than their family was and wouldn't be interested in them anyway (probably not true, but how they saw it).

    They grew up working class, struggling with their parents who moved here. They worked hard in school and made it through college. They were involved in the asian groups in college, but found them to be very snobbish, elitist. Coming from a poorer background, not fitting in with the asian cliques, sort of turned them off. They found that average white/non asian guys were much more approachable and friendly.

    Now over time, if they are looking for an asian guy, they see plenty single guys but most are workers in chinatown, most don't speak english, or have old country (china) ways: ie- smoking alot, drinking, spitting, treating women poorly.... They see those guys as a waste of time.

    I didn't realize how much social turmoil is created between different asian communities as well. Being chinese, the koreans were not friendly to them at all. Money and education also play a big factor. Having parents who were doctors, their children are not expected to socialize with those who parents cook or sew for a living.

    I see this a lot and have heard it from many people about white guys and asian girls and I have found it is mostly a load of bullshit. Sure there are some weird white guys out there that only want asian girls because they have a fetish. But it is more of a numbers game.
    Asian girls might seem to be dating more white guys because here in the US, espeically where I live on the east coast, there are just more white guys in general.

    Is it harder for an asian guy to date a white girl? I doubt it, any guy approaching any girl it is difficult. Girls like confidence, they are attracted to it like moth to a flame. Asian guys complaining about "their" girls dating white guys, need to change that frame of mind and understand that means there are more white girls out there for them.

    I have seen and heard references about penis size and asian men, and let me tell you that is a ton of nonsense. The reason this myth gets perpetuated is that in the US, porn stars go into the business because they are hung like horses. In asian porn, the men were in the business not for their equipment, but for those who were willing to do it.

    a couple of points of interest -
    a asian friend of ours told a story about a guy she dated who was 6ft tall, super athelete, very rich and awesome family. Man of her dreams right? White, blonde hair, blue eyes... but too bad he had a 3 inch dick and didn't care about attempting to please her...

    ever been to a nude beach? first off, it is pretty gross as there are too many old folks there with their sac laying out. But look around and you will see, everyone, everywhere is pretty much average. Sometimes you see a peanut, sometimes you see a log, but nearly all are the same.

    any asian guy feeling inferior should quit while he is ahead. Concentrate less on your size and more on how to please a girl. Trust me on this, make a girl feel great in bed and she will never forget you.
  8. bishonens

    bishonens Member

    I think it has to do with which ethnic group you're more exposed to because most of the crushes that I've had were white except for a few who were Asian. It also has to do with personal preference. And I agree, most Asian guys are shyer.
  9. kelvinho66

    kelvinho66 New Member

    lol because they want white babies:p
  10. pinoyreal666

    pinoyreal666 Member

    Even though I'm an offspring from a filipino/white couple, I don't really believe in the chemistry that they share. All I know is their relationship would end up in a disaster. It happened to my mother, her friends, and some other people I know.
  11. hype88

    hype88 Member

    Well i love them white girls
  12. Raul_H

    Raul_H Member

    My girlfriend is Asian, but was raised here. She isn't into Europeans any more than she's into Asians, but the majority of people in her social groups are white, so I suppose that explains it.
  13. loyal2theoil

    loyal2theoil New Member

    Haha I love how this topic is so popular. But anyhow, I think it all comes down to preference. A lot (and I mean a LOT) of white men nowadays have yellow fever. I know of a white guy who ONLY dates Asian girls and even dated one that was a hardcore fob who spoke little English. Not saying that all white guys are like that, don't get me wrong.

    Also, I myself, as a Chinese female, went through a phase when I'd only date white guys. Yes, I do like the idea of having cute little half Chinese, half White babies (my brother married a white girl and I have the cutest little nephew ever) and yes I do think there are more attractive white men than there are Asian men. But at the same time I feel as though white guys are better for the playing field than for a long term serious relationship. I'm sure there are white men who are up for long term relationships with Asian girls, but I'm just saying in a general sense. There's also the stereotype of white men only wanting sex, being players, etc.

    I personally think that the reason why Asian girls are so into white guys is because of their masculinity. That was one of the reasons I had a thing for white guys. I feel as though I'm more protected with I'm around one as opposed to an Asian guy. You know, girls always want the tall, dark and handsome guys with a nice athletic body. Fortunately for me, I'm now happily dating a 6'0 tall Asian guy who has the hottest body in the world (I keep telling him that I brag about it haha) and keeps me feeling safe and protected :)
  14. -steffi-

    -steffi- Well-Known Member

    hmmm personally i would like asian guys tbh....or the again i could be racist to white guys lol...
  15. xdly

    xdly Well-Known Member

    its just personal taste... and well... i like it that other chinese guys understand the chinese culture... :)
  16. [mJ9]

    [mJ9] Well-Known Member

    By Asian,you mean Hindus,Indians too?
    Well here Indian boy are more into Chinese girls
  17. pinoyreal666

    pinoyreal666 Member

    I don't believe in such unions... So degrading.... Later on during their marriage the white man will leave them with her children and get laid off. I've seen this countless times, what a waste....what a disaster
  18. distrikt

    distrikt Active Member

    lol....i love that yellow fever video

    i'm wondering that same question myself.......
  19. hem

    hem Well-Known Member

    The guys might be too shy. or too old fashioned.
    But it just might look that way cause you are thinking about it alot and that's why you see it that way.
    if you pay attention for things. it tends to show or be more noticeable.
    It might not be that many.....
  20. J dot L

    J dot L Well-Known Member

    hmm i dunno whether asian girls are into white dudes...but over here in the uk, i know quite a lot of white girls into asian guys. lol
    and i, myself have a white gf...
    so is this another question that could is unanswerable??