What do you eat for breakfast?

Discussion in 'The Food Section' started by Katibear, Mar 2, 2009.

  1. Katibear

    Katibear Well-Known Member

    I always get bored/stuck on finding new & healthy things for breakfast...and I'm not a fan of cereals.

    Sometimes I'll have wholemeal toast with tomatoes on top and herbs, which is quite yummy but will get boring.

    Or sometimes I won't bother with breakfast at all.

    What do you eat for breakfast? -chef
  2. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    nothing >.< dont have time to eat breakfast usually. poptarts maybe >.< although i would like to have something like miso soup.
  3. Katibear

    Katibear Well-Known Member


    Aww, yeah I hear it's unhealthy not to have breakfast, but i've made it this far so I think we're safe :p

    Mmmm Poptarts, I haven't had them in ages *drool*
  4. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    yeah breakfast is very important. its best to eat loads in the morning than you do at night. provides energy and you burn most of it during the day too

    strawberry and chocolate poptarts :D i havent had those for ages and just bought some last week and this week ^^
  5. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    puhahaha omggg poptarts so olddd....i can remember the ad for them...-lol

    i have porridge....quaker oats..!!...healthy and nice for the winter <3

    and add toppings depends on whut i can find like today i had rasins and sultanas...yummy
    but i eat it plain as well...^^
  6. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    yeah poptarts!!! i havent eaten them for ages and i thought they discontinued them or something until my sis told me about them and bought some. there was an ad for them?? lol

    im not a fan of porridge to be honest >.< strawberry jam or condense milk is what i use to put in them many many years ago.
  7. mobidoo

    mobidoo Well-Known Member


    I have my You Tiao at least once a week with silken soya bean curd. Yum. :D~


    And on somedays I will make my way to have some "Pineapple" bun !

  8. Katibear

    Katibear Well-Known Member

    Mmmmm, Porridge is nice with a bit of honey in it aswell - so cosy <3

    @Natsu - Have you ever tried the choc and mashmallow flavour poptarts? :eat: they are soooo good!

    Okay now you're making me hungry, that first one looks delicious :)
  9. Ark2000

    Ark2000 Active Member

    Rice and left over food, so it doesn't go to waste.
  10. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    same here sometimes, like this morning ~ cooked udon noodles with peppers, fishballs last night but there was excessive amount and just cooked it again this morning for breakfast

    o_O Choc and marshmallow flavoured poptarts. yeah i have :D yummy ^^
  11. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆


    hmm...i wonder if they'll taste the same as how i remember them in my mind...-lol
    yupz...they had a ubbbbber cheesey ad for them...!!....might be on youtube if ya can find it...-lol..

    condense milk on porridge...?..ewww...
    my rents likey carnation milk on toast though..

    but dun you guys find that a bit heavy in the morning to eat sometimes...??.
  12. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    umm not really, and i dont do it often. rarely eat at all in the morning.

    yeah porridge with condense milk, that was the very last time i had it. i use to love it when i was little then had a huge gap where i havent had porridge for years, then mami had some and i thought why dont i have some, put some condense milk in, yuk!!! didnt like that, then i tried with strawberry jam, yuk!!! didnt like that either so since then, i havent had porridge. dun likey ~
  13. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    tsk tsk shame on you.....ya should be eating SOMETHING every morning...!!..

    hmm...then just eat plain porridge and work ya way back into adding toppings..?..

    or or or be ubbbber chin and eat congeee....id lub to be able to eat pei daan sow yuk juk...every monring...!!!....:drool:
  14. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    i know i should. breakfast is very important but i never have time >.< and im always a sleepy head who dont get out of bed until the last minute. bad habit of mine ~ Oo Oo Congee and yau jar gwai :D
  15. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    cereal, cause at work we get free (milk, pop, coffee, and juice)

    at least a quarter of the offices have at least a box of cereal
  16. mobidoo

    mobidoo Well-Known Member

    I think as Chinese we are very lucky as we have so much more choices and variety ~ :yes:

    Glad you love You Diao and Dou Jiang :p

    I also love the HK version of Yun Yeung ( Coffee + Tea Combo. ) Its simply gorgeous. Now have that nice cuppa with 2 eggtarts.

    WooHoooo ! :jump:


  17. SsmilebigG

    SsmilebigG Member

    uhm.. i eat whatever i can find to eat.. sometimes i dont eat breakfast at all
  18. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    yeshhh though but still....i run out the house late and still grab something to eat
    as well....like an apple or something....i cant remember the last time i didnt have
    brekkie nows....:kekekegay:...

    wahhhh daan taat...!!!...me <3...!!...esp. fresh ones...^^
  19. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    o_O breakfast every morning, good good. you must be buzzing with energy unlike me who looks like a "sei see" :D hehe

    daan taat!!!! OMG!!!! my favourite!!!! GIVE!!!!!!! :D awww i wanna go back to Hong Kong, they do a lighter coloured version (not sure what daan taat it is) but it taste so much yummier ~
  20. bobbylee

    bobbylee Well-Known Member

    just toast for me unless there is leftovers.