1 in 31 US Adults in Jail

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by fearless_fx, Mar 3, 2009.

  1. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    Fuck man... Nanny state alright. I dont understand how the US government thinks this can possibly continue... The tax burden of this system already costs US taxpayers 68 billion a year.

    They should fix the problems at the source by improving education and fixing the collapsing social infrastucture. Education is the key to lowering crime rates, most criminals are high school drop outs with no direction in life. The US should lower the barriers to university education by subsidizing educational institutions and fund programs to keep students in high school. You cant just keep throwing money at the correctional system and hope your problems will go away.. its fucking idiotic.
  2. Massachusetts is on the top 5? wow..... thats quite interesting...

    but damn that is mad people......
  3. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    i personally believe the us has poured out a lot of money for the educational system every year; however, schools are not using those money wisely. standard has dropped cuz of unqualified teachers.

    the us criminal justice system is STUPID. it took years before anyone get sentenced especially those on death row. they should hasten a lot of the process and ease the burden. appeal after appeal after appeal when the evidences are beyond obvious .. this is not called fair but a waste of time and public money.

    i think regardless of whether you're high school drop out or not, i am 100% sure that all young people know that committing crimes is BAD since they were a kid. the fact that they went ahead and did it anyway, they should pay the pain and time. no matter how bad the educational system is, dropping out is a choice; not a must do thing.
  4. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Crappy education system most of the time leads to crappy teachers. Crappy teachers leads to messed up kids. Messed up kids lead to messed up lives. That's probably only one of the causes of the high drop out rate but there are plenty others. Think of it this way. You're a teenager and you're brought up in a school with a bad environment. Teenagers are easily influenced by their environments, so ya its their fault for dropping out, but its mainly the fault of the system that they wanted to drop out.
  5. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Legalize drugs. -cool2
  6. maplexp

    maplexp Active Member

    that would create more mess beccause if they get addicted and don't have money more violence will spoon up!
  7. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    ^ the legalization of drugs would prevent most addictions, as you would need a prescriber to authorize a script for your medication. Any doctor, minus the corrupt ones, will not prescribe narcotics until they have tried the alternatives, and if they end up prescribing a narcotic, it is generally followed up upon in order to avoid abuse.

    There would still be a black market for drugs even with legalization, but it would turn into a tiny fraction of what it currently is now. Legalizing marijuana alone would save the US government billions of dollars.
  8. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    system's fault or not, at least there's some kind of schooling. there are many opportunities here in the us comparing to other countries where kids probably don't even have the option to go to school. so yeah, it's a choice and no one to blame but yourself for dropping out .. as for crappy teachers .. there were no standard in place and they're like civil servants where they moved up the salary scale based on seniority; not achievement. for someone like that, who care if the kid turn out to be rapist or serial killer, at least i got my paycheck .. lol ..

    back home, teachers are like parents ... who are respected and actually look out for students' best interests .. good or not.
  9. not sure about Canada but with the current economical situation in the USA they are still hell bent on getting everyone a better TV watching experience by dishing out coupons to upgrade to digital.

    My idea of making a better society

    Start disciplining children old skool, time out doesn't work.
    Get rid of violent movies
    Get rid of violent Games
    Get rid of violent Music or stuff full of profanity
    we need to stop blaming it all on drugs, its the stuff WE enjoy that is the problem.
  10. uryu

    uryu Well-Known Member

    I cant read the article until iget source/name of girl in avatar fearless
  11. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    i agree with you about old school teaching .. children need corporal punishment .. and yeah, those violent and sexual movies, games, and music should be stopped . however, that's not gonna happen ..
  12. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    If they get addicted and drugs remained expensive, then you're absolutely right. But if drugs were legal, then it would be cheap. Heck you could roll your own joints from your garden patch, or grow your own opium poppy and grind the paste yourself, like home made wine do it yourselfers do. Drugs would be dirt cheap, so cheap that even the homeless could afford it. So would there be a need for violence? No. Which is exactly my point.

    If drugs were legal, sure there would be a small statistical spike in addiction, suicides, accidents, whatever. But it would be infinitely more manageable than the drug gangs and gun trade, and the billions we spend each month attempting to fight them. If we legalized drugs, we would undercut the financial base of 90% of all of our enemies, foreign and domestic. Without their drug money, they would have zero political influence or effect. For that, I'm willing to tolerate a million or two more in drug addict population. Further, the government could get in on it like they do with the other addictive substances (alcohol and nicotine). They could tax it and make plenty of money. In essence, they would co-opt the drug trade and literally steal it right out from under the noses of the drug gangs. -tongue2

    Who does not want to see drugs legalized? US gun manufacturers, drug gangs, anti US terrorists, and well meaning mothers who don't know world politics or reality from a hole in the wall. Or put it this way, if drugs were legal, Mexican gang bangers would be forced to go back to picking produce instead of taking over Mexican towns. Oh, and it would wind up emptying most US jails too, which was the focus of this thread.
  13. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    You can have schooling in a country, but still have a lack of education. That's what's wrong with the U.S. Sure I get what you're saying about kids CHOOSING to drop out, but you're not taking the big picture into consideration. Think about WHY they drop out. Class seems useless? No motivation? Not getting the material? Granted there are many other factors that account for the high drop out rate. All of the problems listed can be solved by putting a GOOD teacher in a classroom. There are schools that track the performance of teachers with an effective system. While other schools just let the principle go into the classroom one day WITH THE TEACHER'S permission. Now how dumb is that. A horrible teacher can seem good for one day and he/she would keep her job steering kids onto the wrong path. From my experience a good teacher makes a huge difference. Like in grade 11 chem I hated! Then in grade 12 I got a new teacher and he was awesome. I was more motivated and ended up with a higher mark. Another example real life example. There are 2 calc classes. 1 with a good teacher and 1 with a bad teacher. The class with the good teacher got a higher median/average. Me, I was in the lower one... Teachers not only have to be willing to teach, but be able to just talk to the student. I talked to a couple teachers about university and even though they didn't change the direction I was going they gave me more encouragement to head off into engineering. For me high school was a big "growing up" step and if you don't have proper guides with you then you honestly just get fucked up.
  14. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    ^ look buddy .. i grew up in a project so i have my fair share of attending fucked up school and dealing with shitty teachers through my grade school years but i made it. perhaps i was lucky or whatever but that didn't mean i wasn't working hard to earn what i have today. i made personal sacrifices.

    @ Khaotic .. your BIGGER picture is the blame game.

    i agree teachers make a difference but the BIGGER picture here is YOU, the student's personal choice. you can't say that, oh this teacher is useless or shitty, not gonna learn anything from him, not going to class .. let's drop out. that's just pathetic. you made a personal decision to drop out yet you turned around and pointed your finger at people for giving up on you... HELLO .. you gave up on yourself and chose the drop-out path. NO ONE forces you. i do know; in fact, well aware that certain community has a lot of distraction from crimes and violence to sex and drugs but if you're disciplined enough, you'll get through. life is never easy. people like myself who grew up in this condition mature a lot faster than the typical student body cuz we have seen enough trash in our lives.

    last but not least .. having some schooling is better than nothing at all. yes, we have a poor system; at least we have one and that it's FREE. i have heard a lot of stories about people saying this or that about poor life and poor school; however, they never look back and think about what they did that could've made a difference. when you don't have something, you make the best out of whatever you got. i don't feel sorry for them at all and you know what, my parents didn't do shit for me too cuz they didn't speak any english then. i was on my own .. so yeah .. you might wonder, how come azn kids are flying high up in the same system where as others races are failing? AZN took advantage of the FREE system and made the best out of it. WE are hardworker.
  15. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    The idea that good teaching is important is not something new. But wait, the average football player makes ten times a teacher's salary. I guess in our society, the entertainment value of an individual is dramatically more important than that of someone who molds our young. After all, we certainly vote with our feet or wallets, don't we? Until society gets its priority straight, we're always going to have a shitty school system where kids are left to sink or swim. Those that can rise to the top in the shark infested waters will shine. Those that can't swim? Well, there's a life within the corrections arena or public dole.

    @ Khaotic AND Negigboyz; Both of you raise valid and arguable points. However, there in lies the problem. You're both right, so that you guys can argue about this ad infinitum without ever coming to any resolution. This is exactly the the problem that has been plaguing education ever since I remember (and I started my first day of school in the 1950's). What is needed is to recognize that there are not so much rights and wrongs, but better ways of doing things, and a willingness to try. Negigboyz argues for the ones resilient enough to claw their way through it, Khaotic argues for the ones not strong enough who get left behind. For me, there is no difference. Either you pay it up front, or pay it in the back end, society pays for its lack of focus. Or, put it this way, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure; or a stitch in time saves nine, choose whatever adage, but you gentlemen get my drift.

    We only get what we are willing to pay for... :bowdown:
  16. tacito168

    tacito168 Guest

    Interesting facts of life.
  17. lawsofpower48

    lawsofpower48 Active Member

    fcuk prison