Cool! I'm looking forward to some crazy inflation of the US Greenback. Soon the CND will be worth 20 cents more than the US dollar like it was a few months ago. Times were good, online shopping with my baller currency was the way to go. I'll be able to hit up whiskeymilitia again and wait for good items ^_^. on a more serious long term note though, The US is Fucked. -dead
this... might just be one of the biggest dumbass move the government has made yet... the banks were showing recovery for the last two months... we were doing ok... so they flatten our currency even more? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
aint the US still pumping money into making sure everyone goes digital, gota have that crystal clear picture...
^ its being pushed back...... slowly... the US is way to fucking greedy, AIG is the prime example of this.
Lol. But we actually have to pay to get our new TVs / analog-to-digital receivers. It's more of a plot to get money from those people who stuck with TVs from the 1800s.
Naa, its the Sound of silence