Opinions. I know what mine is, and its similar to the picture of the dude with his head on fire in the blog. What's next? A Medical Doctorate from Pastor John's church/college of God and medicine? "Doc! My son is dying of cancer." 'it's ok mam, i will exorcise it from his body with the power of god.'
What makes you think Christians dont use doctors or wont use them if their son is dying of cancer. the bible makes clear that all we have is by the grace of God, we have doctors so use them. prayer is important for us, but prayer and rejecting the help we have around us is stupid. some individuals probably do that and i guess they are dead. i have friends who developed cancer, got diagnosed at hospital, had it prayed for and the cancer was gone the next day leaving the hospital totally stumped and putting it down to a miracle of some sort, and this has happened on multiple occasions with different people. so mocking prayer is a sign of your ignorance on the matter. As for the Degree, who cares? if a person wants to make a big deal out of it and get some qualification then good for him, he paid for it, its not gona hurt you or anyone else. we apply this principle to things like sodomy and even incest it seems!! yet when a person wants to set up some degree that is not compulsory and is only for those who adhere to creationist science its the end of the world. hmm some people got to much time on their hands
i copied this off a blog a while ago because i found it severely disturbing. also stories like this: i think prove my point. It is a big deal when it demeans the six to eight years of work other students put in in order to acheive their masters in real sciences like bio, chem, physics. A masters degree is near the pinnacle of educational knowledge, just short of a ph.d. By giving out degrees in creationism, you are marginalizing all other hard science degrees.
As a Christian i can say that the parents here are probably very unstable and very cult like, you get all sorts who go to all extremes , this is a minority.. i hope. You can get a job with it? i thought it was just a certificate for passing a course, if a person wants to do a job where bio, chem, physics is required then that should be done also. unless the world is handed to you on a plate for getting the degree it really doesn't demean anything at all to you and most of the world its a load of rubbish, not even a real science as you said yourself, so nobody will be getting any advantage with it.