wow, this is crazy... a loss of 4% employment in one month... at this rate california is gonna end up looking like Escape from LA with Kurt Russel.
That's not just the bay area. The entire newspaper industry has undergone a paradigm shift; people just don't buy papers anymore, even if it is good for wrapping fish too. The industry needs to e-realize their product. That is, make their bread and butter available via e-commerce. Newspapers biggest expense is the actual paper and ink. If they decided to digitize their product and stream by subscription they just may survive. They should bank on partnering up with things like Irex or Kindle and phone companies, and stream the news via cellular into an e-reader. My prediction? In ten years or less, there won't be a newspaper printed with real ink on real paper any more. It will all be e-paper of some sort.
^ yeah, im thinking something along the lines of a dedicated handheld e-reader, which is set to download each newspaper you're subscribed to every morning. This will only work once you have viable technology, with high contrast, really thin screens... perhaps OLED based, which can be folded up after use. of course hardcopy newspapers would still be sold in public places like airports, coffee shops and businesses.
WOW.. 10.5% of california people are jobless.. i thought obama is doing something about the jobless poeple in america
What we're feeling now is still the residual impact from Bush policies of little oversight in corporate governance. The new administration is simply trying to slow the drop into even more negative territory, etc; that is, Obama's actions are probably preventing a slide into 30% joblessness... Sorta like, asking the question: "I'm hurt, why doesn't anyone do anything?" The answer, "we did do something, or else you would have been dead already." LOL AND... remember, in the span of ONE PRESIDENT, the US went from being able to pay down the deficit, and having a federal surplus (under Clinton), to losing nearly half the worth of the country and destroying not just the US economy, but much of the world's (under Bush Jr). To make matters worse, that asshole Cheney is still running around calling for Obama (the sitting US president) to debate with Rush Limbaugh, a nasty ultra right wing conservative talk show host, in an attempt to further already proved to have failed (republican) ideologies. :rl: I sincerely hope the new administration investigates all the criminal things that Bush - Cheney had done (suspected that there are lots), and ultimately, bring indictments and prosecution all the up to, and including putting Bush, et al, in jail. Bush may escape punishment because of presidential previlege; the rest however, should be prosecuted for what they did to the US. Not only did the US get economically bankrupt, but so too, have we become morally bankrupt under the Bush's presidency. They took the US from being at least nominally ethical to one in which US moral credibility literally became shit overnight. What really gets me is that America did it to itself, by buying into the smoke and mirrors of guys like Carl Rove and electing that idiot, not just for one, but two terms. -madsign1