^ well, my uncle paid for a 3000 dollar trip for me... so a 300 dollar laptop isn't too out of the realm of possibility.
your phone is crappier this isn't really my phone... paid 1,217 MOP for it... it is a present for my mom -lol
Killzone 2 is freaking awesome. New speakers + receiver + amp are installed. Better pics once I get everything cleaned up.
^ wtf is that huge ass bottle with blue liquid in the corner?? windshield fluid?!?! lol jks about the windshield fluid.. but what is that?
heh u got a messy computer desk. H/K makes nice amps/receivers, great choice there! but i cant make out what speakers those are?
Thanks. Haha. Yeah, it was a bit of a mess. I took the pic right after I hooked everything up. The speakers are by a company called AV123. They're the ELT525s Here's some pics. And this is why I love my keyboard: