Someone please come here and enlighten me. I thought a undercover cop who had solved a major case (responsible to capture the supposedly triad leader who is responsible for the major drug trades in HK) will automatically rise up in rankings. But that's not the case in this series. Ron is still a rank private cop and BELOW Pak kiu. Wow that sucked if it was me. I wouldn't want to witness murders and risk my own life AND lose a girlfriend while my best friend who gets to live life comfortably and maintains being a cop and married AND is still higher in ranking than me. What's the logic here? why would you want to risk your own life to become a undercover without seeing any benefits in the end? -surr
Well, I think maybe if Ah Man, followed order and didn't do things his way, he might of at least get the same title as Pak Kiu. The way he acted he is lucky he still got his job back. I think that is wat they are trying to get at in the end when they visit Pak Kiu's father tombstone.
wow that still suck. how many times was ron being point blanked? I think around five? Being point blanked is pretty serious to me. I think he deserves at least a stripe for his job lol
i think they made ron under pak kiu to plan something ahead for the next sequel. probably talk about ron switching dept again and do something big.
it's fitting... imagine ron in charge? his crew will probably die....because he is so hotheaded and agressive....remember wat ron said he didn't think he was fit to be a cop don't think he would be a good head.
Ron lacks leadership qualities. His whole team would get killed if he moved up into the rank. Besides, Ron's probably happier being a grunt anyways. EDIT: LOL Shinobi beat me to it
haha yeah totally. ron is able to bend the rules to get the job done, which is sometimes better. Sammuel is too much of a good-two-shoes.
Ron is still only a Police Constable (that's what the 'PC' originally stood for) and hasn't even been selected as a sergeant candidate yet. Pak Kiu, however, has risen to Police Inspector, which is an officer's rank.
ron's character is too hot head to have a position of leadership...he doesn't look at the consequences...that some of his actions created he just wants to solve the case
i have the same thinking but maybe because he didn't follow his order and that's why he is under pak kiu
Ron's character thinks too rashly and rushes things and dont do it by the books so he hasn't risen in the ranks, however at the same time, he did put his life on the table a lot in order to get the job done so I was surprised he's started again like a rookie.
LOL Ah Mun be a headdd Sei dut laaa -lol But i bet Pak Kiew and Ah Mun will have loada arguements tho... =/
i think what they all trying to say is that leadership revolves around management and disciplinary,as no disciplinary no management therefore he disobey orders which means he lack disciplinary which affected his promotion. However this is only a opinion as i'm not a police i don't know.
i don't know about being a leader, but at least give him a stripe or something!! i mean really, the amount of times that he could have been killed... maybe it's cuz he purposely shot 2 cops? (Laughing, and that old Sergent guy...)