if i open multiple new tabs from links within a webpage, say i wanted a new tab for each forum thread i was reading (not specifically PA), around 50% + of those tabs will never load and its random. Sometimes pages will load and sometimes pages wont. this doesnt happen in IE7 or Chrome or FF.....
Been using IE7 and FF, no problems as if one doesnt work then I'll use the other. Best stick with what you're comfy with than start with something which might cause a headache. I'll wait till more people say that IE8 works before I switch.
then you are not fully using its features fully, try the compatibility page view/settings and besides IE8 is new, you need to give them for scripts meant for IE8 to come out, is not like Chrome was any good during their beta 1 when i first ran Chrome, the layout of the the sites i have tried are all over the place, missing images and links...
maybe i didnt play with it enough, but i cant turn the compatibility mode on until the page is loaded (or so i think), problem is the page doesnt load in the first place..... chrome never messes up a site for me (although i didnt run it at beta), only prob is, chrome lacks some java/flash support that IE has meh, i will go to IE8 when MS force me to during an update, for now IE7
Internet explorer 8 is good. I thinks its better than firefox which is too slow to load webpages.... :(