good LORD do people now adays grow up with out brains or are they just brain dead at birth...this is just ridiculous.
what the hell?? just to get some popularity, go to extreme lengths to obtain that little recognition and popularity *sigh*
yup, i couldn't understand a thing they were saying. maybe they're from like.. the 'villages' or something.
SMOKING IS BAD ALREADY even when you turn adult (no hate to people who smoke...but...) Now 2 year olds are starting to smoke? What has this world come to?
These "village" people don't know that smoking leads to lung cancer. They're too poor to go to school therefore don't know about the cause of smoking. sad just sad that kid not going to live for long.
if that was my kid.. i would just have him with me 24/7 and blame the father for everything lol or even the babysitter lol shocking!