Worldwide anatomy exhibitions has questionable sources (mostly from China) and ethics: While I appreciate science and the study of anatomy, this strikes me more as being a touch of the macabre. uke:
this is wrong... and they're just gaining money from it... one of my relative was washed away in china during a flood and was never found.
Body Worlds Exposition from Günther von Hagen is now here in germany in heidelberg again since januray i havent been there because i thinks is disgusting bleehh
I made the mistake of tagging along with some friends to a similar exhibition, Bodies Revealed. I was so disgusted by the end of the show and it was NOT because of the bodies. Rather, it was the obvious intention of the whole thing - $$$$$!!! Going through the exhibition was like going through a maze. There were lame placards of facts on the walls and, of course, the bodies and parts. Finally, you reach the end where all the PRODUCTS were. Shirts, DVDs, books...etc, like it was stated in the first clip. There were also forms where an attendee could fill out to donate their own bodies. Can you believe that? I definitely regretted spending $24 bucks on it. A lesson learned, I suppose...
Just watch, I bet they'll soon be shilling little bits of body parts in plastic laminate at their gift shop too... Disgusting.
Frankly, what I find most disturbing is how this "doctor" found easy access to some many Chinese bodies in the first place. Chinese culture (as with most Asians) is one that has a high degree of respect for one's body, even unto death. That is why the organ donation issue is such a big dilemma in the far east. Asian people (by and large) simply do not donate body parts or organs, out of respect for the dead and the belief that one needs to be whole either for the next life or for ascension into heaven. That said, would it be relatively easy or hard then, to find Chinese families willing to donate their deceased loved ones to be cut open and injected with plastic, and put on display this way? My suspicion is that it would be nearly impossible. Hence, I smell a very large rat. Something is seriously not right here. -nono
Oh I went there last year or the year before. Even though it was awkward, it was still pretty educative. Mmm.... the most troubling part must have been the mom with her unborn child inside....
I think that this is very educating display, I went to one and I find very interesting. In the beginning i thought it was sick and wrong. After you go one, you will have a different view and you actually learn from the process.
I totally agree with you. For the ones who are not from the medical field it's close to impossible to see anything like that. I'm glad that I went. Very educational indeed.
ive been to one of his exhibitions in london, its really fascinating stuff! and plus the people donated their bodies to medical science yep the worse one was they had a "plastinated" pregnant women but still interesting stuff hes also had that series where he dissected people live on TV. very informative stuff if you can stomach it
Yes, all quite informative and educational; but tell me, how many Chinese or Asian people that you know of, that would donate their bodies for scientific research, or even organ donation for transplantation? Asians in general, usually don't even donate organs, much less the whole body. So how is this 'doctor' able to find so many Chinese families willing to donate their loved one's entire remains to him? What we're dancing around here, is that someone in the cadaver's chain of custody is probably making money from people's remains by less than legal means. Inotherwords, I doubt that these bodies were donated at all. The good doctor was probably given a government certificate with someone's scribble on it, with a wink and a nod, which was good enough for him. He's a modern day ghoul if you ask me. Oh yes, I actually have that video dissection series. It is informative, but I think he rather gets his kicks and his money from dramatic dissections; he's in this for the cash, not the education.
^i dunno how they got the cadavers or who runs the chinese exhibition, but from what ive seen of the particular german (Günther von Hagen), he does not strike me as someone without ethics his exhibitions were really well done, his tv show always showed upmost respect to the cadevers he was working on and so forth so yeh someone could have sold him the bodies, etc, but all we can do is speculate and speculate, but we dont know the real facts
Oh I perfectly agree with what you're saying, that in the glare of the lights and camera, Von Hagen is quite the respectful doctor AND showman; and until proved otherwise, I'm willing to give him the benefit of doubt. However knowing Asian attitudes, coupled with the huge illegal organ harvesting allegations that has floated around China for years, I'll certainly retain a higher index of suspicion... :ugh:
it doesn't look nasty to me on video but then you realize they extracted all the fats and such, fuck i don't even want to think about it. nasty and disturbing, clicked and saw the women with the fetus fucking wrong.
I have actually went to see these live, at the exhibit that they were holding, Body World. It is extremely interesting and you can see the position of veins and nerves throughout the body. You can also see how the human structure is positioned while doing certain actions such as skating, playing tennis, and many others. Also, they have jars of body parts that they are preserving for you to see the actual human parts. They also let you touch some of the plasticized inner organs, including the brain, liver and others. I don't think this is cruel or anything because all the people's bodies who were used to make these have all agreed to it and signed a paper agreeing to it. It is their contribution to improve scientists' research on the human anatomy.