fuckin hardcore stuff goin down in the UK... when are american's gonna start doin this.
Looks really wild. Well said. Its a riot. But the news have been playing it down calling it skirmish and protest. What happen to the Brit media piety in calling a spade a spade, when the pictures doesn't lie.
I bet there are some people in there that are just trying to cause a riot/trouble and don't even care about the G20.
^ lol dude, its in the title of the thread. The G20 is a world finance summit where bank heads from around the world gather to talk about the economy.
why r they protesting in the first place? isn't the G20 suppose to be talks about future economic plans?
^ if you've read any news in the last... say year or so... you might notice that the world economy is collapsing. The people generally responsible for the economy are all at this conference. People are pissed, and this is as good an outlet as any to express anger.
lol..ppl that have no concern or what-so-ever with G20 joins the riot jz to cause trouble..a very good opportunity to cause an outbreak since they can't simply do this alone =/
damm protestors have got nothing better to do. the leaders are trying to solve the worldwide economic problem. just imagine if no world economy exists and everbody is living like farmers then im sure the protestors will start protesting why don't the leaders do something
the people in those riots are either hooligans or idiots... capitalism isn't working? ffs it's working exactly the way it's meant to be working...
Video here: Cops were totally unprepared. They should have had protective armor, along with non-lethal crowd control, and a way to disperse the crowd while preventing others from joining (typical riot containment drill). Instead, it looks like they let the protesters get out of control. This is dangerous to everyone, as movements of the crowd can literally crush people (cop and protester alike) to death. Protests are generally lawful and a legitimate venue of speech freedom. Rioting and destruction of property, and creation of situations where people can be hurt are violations of law. The trick for the authorities here is to maintain control without hurting anyone. At the stage seen in the video, where the police are being surrounded and have clearly lost control, they should have called in the water cannons and tear gas. In G8 G20 summits of the past, the experience has been that these protests often accelerate and become violent very quickly. Why the police were not in protective riot armor and why they allowed such large crowds to converge is a very good question. They seemed to have failed in their mission and done so miserably. Also, from previous experience, there always seems to be small groups dedicated to agitating others and increasing the chance for anarchy and riot. The police were already aware of this but fail to quickly identify these individuals and remove them. I'm sure that there are several high level commanders who won't have jobs after this is all over. Here's another link of the run up to the violence, and the death of one man: