Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by PandaMAN, Jan 19, 2007.
cute girls
Hot and Cute
Cute, with hotness being a plus. Brains above all though.
I'm not hot not cute... who wants me?! XD
I prefer cute over hot anyday. hot girls are for fun not for real relationships
i dont know why but cute girls always attract me i'm a sucker for cute girls
cute girls for sure, they can still work out to get hot
You can be my friend ^^
i would rather a normal girl tbh, i don't want the vanity
After a few years, they all look the same anyway.
^ lol yup
hi my friend! are you hot? or cute? xD or just none of those 2?
POssible for a 50 50 ratio of hotness to cuteness? A bit of everything should make a kiss ass girl.