I got the sound track too yay playasia Coupon code is: IK-MFD-TPV if anyone want to use it, when i order again i would have lost the coupon as usual. i only use that for the periods were my AV subscription has expired and i got wait till the end of the month for my money to come in or something. its good for that.
Holy crap man you guys are loaded.... Your gonna laugh at the stuff i have compared to you guys... Laptop - HP Pavilion dv1000 (from 4 years ago!) Cell phone - Sony ericsson z800i (from 4 years ago!) Psp - psp1000 white (from 3 years ago) Digi camera - Panasonic whatever (from 6 years ago) dont even get my started on clothes lol hardly bought any for the last 2 years... well i did buy this recently... Bought her in mid march, got her as soon as i got back from canada.. got her for a bargain $2500nzd. her motor wasnt running so sweet it was just miss firing. shes been in the workshop shes coming home tomorrow yay! even ordered her some BC gold coilovers.... hmmmm now i know why i dont buy clothes.... lol (p.s the chromies are gonna get stripped and powder coated black)
thats a good choice of car, there's so much you can do with a 300ZX ^ First thing i'd do after getting it running right is swap out the bumpers for this Bomex kit and some canards
right.. AV is only thing i'd actually pay for aswell... -lol ohh damn.. when are we gonna see that sexy toned body ang.. :jb: