Pictures of stuff you recently bought!

Discussion in 'Random Picture Forum' started by stardust, Feb 15, 2007.

  1. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    you summing up birmingham..?..couldnt agree more...but some areas is niceee...:)
  2. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

  3. some new kicks


    and 2 earphones, 2 HDMI cables

  4. runtohell121

    runtohell121 ........................

    new headphones.. since my JVC Gumy broke
    Sony MDR-NC22/WHI $100 (75% off = $25)o_O
  5. person

    person Well-Known Member

    ^ Dude, that is such a good deal!
    I have ear phones similar to those. Really comfortable.
  6. DragonK550i

    DragonK550i Well-Known Member

    LG Flatron M237WD 23" LCD - $280 USD.

  7. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    Renewed my subscription for Nod32. 2 Years for 2 computers.

  8. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Right on.
    AV is the only app i'd actually pay for.
  9. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    ^Im still on the free versions :D
  10. nice i got that one too with spy sweeper, saved my behind plenty
  11. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    i kicked avg and avast back in the day.
  12. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    AVG....that crap deletes good stuff and random stuff as well!!!
  13. [​IMG]

    I got the sound track too yay

    playasia Coupon code is: IK-MFD-TPV if anyone want to use it, when i order again i would have lost the coupon as usual.

    i only use that for the periods were my AV subscription has expired and i got wait till the end of the month for my money to come in or something. its good for that.
  14. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    used AVG for years and never had a problem, deletes the odd keygen and shiz but thats expected
  15. davo2097

    davo2097 Active Member

    Holy crap man you guys are loaded....

    Your gonna laugh at the stuff i have compared to you guys...

    Laptop - HP Pavilion dv1000 (from 4 years ago!)

    Cell phone - Sony ericsson z800i (from 4 years ago!)

    Psp - psp1000 white (from 3 years ago)

    Digi camera - Panasonic whatever (from 6 years ago)

    dont even get my started on clothes lol hardly bought any for the last 2 years...

    well i did buy this recently...





    Bought her in mid march, got her as soon as i got back from canada.. got her for a bargain $2500nzd. her motor wasnt running so sweet it was just miss firing. shes been in the workshop shes coming home tomorrow yay! even ordered her some BC gold coilovers....

    hmmmm now i know why i dont buy clothes.... lol

    (p.s the chromies are gonna get stripped and powder coated black)
  16. runtohell121

    runtohell121 ........................

    Doraemon -bigsmile
    Wii Kit o_O $15 2 batteries (which i wanted)
  17. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    thats a good choice of car, there's so much you can do with a 300ZX


    ^ First thing i'd do after getting it running right is swap out the bumpers for this Bomex kit and some canards
  18. [​IMG]

    except with red gloves :box:
  19. right.. AV is only thing i'd actually pay for aswell... -lol :shifty:

    ohh damn.. when are we gonna see that sexy toned body ang.. :jb: