yes, it is possible, but burn to what media? ( DVD, HD-DVD, Blueray dics?) your camcorder should come with some softwares to help you burn it. anyway. any up to date authoring/edit softwares can do it; (nero,roxie,tempng,ulead .... so on) you just have to get the video into the your PC first, you might need a firewire connection on you PC. you can read the files in you camcorder's memory-stick, but most of the time it is in a proprietary format. HTH.
Normally the camcorder itself should come with the software in order for you to burn it or transfer it. it In order to burn HD movie you might need a Blueray disc. Even if you burn it into DVD if i'm not mistake you'll also need a blueray player in order to read the data in the disc due to the quality of the video.
Yes, there is a software that came with the HD camcorder, it's ImageMixer. I personally don't like it because it is really slow. However, i managed to converted and burn ( using ImageMixer), in AVCHD format, and I can't play it in regular DVD. I can burn it in DVD format, but it's won't keep the original quality. So, that's why I am asking if it is possible to burn HD DVD, not in Blueray format.
I get what you are saying. the short answer is NO. you cannot play back HD contents on a DVD player, period; all dvd players cannot read the HD data.