Would you save a stranger?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by gawain187, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. gawain187

    gawain187 Well-Known Member


    Read more [Here]

    I just saw this on TV a few moments ago and Its pretty shocking to hear that a majority of people WON'T stand up for others. I guess its just reality that people only just care about themselves.
  2. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    it always depends on the situation..sometimes helping will put urself to danger
  3. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    ouch I've noticed that teens and kids nowadays are way more rough than the days before 2000
  4. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    I will not save stranger or even coworkers and I am CPR and First Aid certified .. lol

    Why? Law suit. The Samaritan Law doesn't protect people anymore these days. You can google a lot of these cases here in the US and individual state. Let me tell you .. plenty of people are ungrateful these days. All they want is $$$ and that's like 2.9999/3 .. lol
  5. person

    person Well-Known Member

    Not as many people are as altruistic as they were years ago.
    Like negiqboyz many people would sue you for trying to help them, and some may not even appretiate the help, as they would be dependent on someone or inadaquet.

    Most would want to help relatives first before strangers in most situations so I'm not really surprised with the statistics.
  6. cidan

    cidan Member

    it always depends on the situation, save yourself first.
  7. intraland

    intraland Well-Known Member

    agree. this is the main reason why i didn't even go all the way to life guard. i know my stuff, but i don't HAVE to save someone even if they are going to die beside me.

    Why? because one small mistake and they'll sue for money. for anything they can get. even if they live.

    ungrateful bastards = =.
  8. mobidoo

    mobidoo Well-Known Member

    I really like this post alot.

    Group of my buds were having drinks and this topic did crop up. A friend of ours is a victim of a road rage incident. He was careless and did someone bumpers in, which in all accounts was minor. He offered to exchange numbers and have the insurance company look into the damages. Well he got suckered a punch right on and the bystanders around were just looking while his ass got woop.

    We have no idea if he did raise his voice or said something retarded to provoke the attack. But why can't the pedestrians around at least offer to break up the scuffle ?

    And then as usual the conversation topic will progress to reality game show like dimension and inadvertently, there will be one daft alec who would ask the question, if 2 persons are drowning, one is your girlfriend and another your mum, who would you choose to save and other questions of that sort.

    There is a current obsession with folks who are so into answering "personality questionnaires" assessment from the internet to determine their own character type. For me, it just goes to show that in some ways, we have lost our footings when it comes to high ideals or morals. There is a culture of obsessive cynicism that is being perpetrated by the media. News that are positive never gets the headlines. It would seem that we are too focus on the negative all the time.
    And every issue that pops up, will be over killed with countless panel of talk show host from all over the world with hundreds of TV channels giving their two cents worth.

    My take is simple. There are simple answers to complex problems. But currently, the trend of the media seems to be pandering and molding our minds towards accepting " complex answers to simple problems". But the politicians would then push their agenda ahead with simple emotionally charge rhetoric and ignore all the subtlety and complexity of the issues at hand.

    There is a need for us to keep our minds bright and its high time we do some decluttering and clear out the mental cobwebs. So to answer the question that is raise in the video about helping others in dire situation. All I would say is that there is not enough data to describe the situation. lol. So if the question is wild, so would the answers.
  9. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    If she was hot, then yeah probably
  10. person

    person Well-Known Member

    Good point you brought up. I was just learning about this in Social Psychology.
    The most likely reason the bystanders didn't help was because they didn't know how to react to the situation. If the guy who was giving your friend a pounding was a large guy, they probably felt would be putting themselves at risk. And also with so many people around, they all probably thought that someone in the crowd had already gone for help. The larger the group of people around, the less likely anyone is going to help, no matter how serious the situation is.

    I read in my textbook a woman was being murdered in an alley in New York. 38 people who lived in the apartments around her heard her screams for help, yet they all they did was sit there listening to her screams. Not one of them picked up the phone to call the cops.

  11. in the UK there have been cases of say two people arguing, a person tries to stop it, detracts from the two yobs street cred or something and ends up stabbed while the two people arguing run away.

    The bible says

    that just about says it all.

    If i saw two youths being anti-social or arguing in the street would I intervene? no i wouldn't because there is a good chance ill get killed in the process, 10 years olds walk about with knives nowadays, a bit to dangerous for me. but what i would do is what the law and decency requires of me and that is to call to police.
    #11 master_g, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
  12. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    I vividly remember the Kitty Genovese murder case because it captivated New York City news for such a long time. However, your acceptance of the fact that 38 people had heard her screams for help, and then sat idle without lifting a finger; is an unfortunate error that has persisted throughout the years.

    That is NOT what happened.

    Kitty Genovese, murdered on 13 MAR 1964, was 28 years old at the time

    From Wiki's page:
    ***Sidebar: The creation of US nationwide 911 emergency notification was not started until the 1980's. Back then, calling the police meant having to either call the police station or to call the operator to connect you.

    Seriously, no one should risk life or limb, but that doesn't mean that one cannot assist by calling the authorities, making mental notes of various aspects of the encounter, taking photographs, audio or video recordings
    (if you're able to do so safely) of the event, to later give police or put on public display (Youtube) for all to view (less chance of censorship). Your knowledge of the event is already a powerful resource. For example: I'm sure that the people who took the video of the BART cop shooting that kid in the back never anticipated that turn of events to be the outcome of their initial filming.

    #12 ralphrepo, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
  13. my dad teached me not to help when you might end up being dead urself xD
    i blame my dead.... xP
  14. in school two friends were arguing, another friend got involved and a few days later got the crap beat out of him on the school bus when one of the guys and a few gang mates put him in hospital for a few weeks cus the guy he was originally arguing with wasn't there but the one involving himself was there >.<.
  15. person

    person Well-Known Member

    Ah I see I see. Well that's media propoganda for you. Exagerating the news to make people see their faults? And hopefully get them to change and be more helpful in the future? Who knows.
    But this generation is way different than in the past. Everyone's more selfish, untrustworthy. Can't expect people to till be as kind and helpful as we used to be. Changing our ways to survive in the world.
  16. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    hmph ... why cant we just all live in little villages, or like the country side where everyone knows each other and is "ho tai ping" i mean come on i dont think "getting stabbed" would happen if we were ........
  17. person

    person Well-Known Member

    ^ It's true. People from Rural areas are more likely to help out a stranger than people from Urban areas.
  18. [mJ9]

    [mJ9] Well-Known Member

    A year ago,a girl was being 'brutalised' by his boyfriend(my new neighbour) outside my house and i was a direct witness to it..He was dragging and insulting her...well i was speechless,i had nothing with me(no phone) except my dogs' food.I did nothing for the poor girl,thank God i didn't heard anything about a girl being killed...
    I told my dad about this and he told me that i did the right thing because it was dangerous.What do you think?should i have helped her?
  19. ^ if you was up for fighting the boyfriend
  20. person

    person Well-Known Member

    I agree with master_g. If you felt you could have helped you would have.
    Many would've done what you did. If I was in your position, I wouldn't have been able to do anything.