$500 voucher is a lot of credit. You save $500 voucher then you go to another store and you save another $500 voucher then you have $1000 voucher . Then you take your 1000 dollar voucher, you go to another store and you buy yourself something else.
you are one lucky guy!!I never won anything (except a cinema ticket) despite filling lots of coupons for 2 whole years!!
its very good, it can be used for stop-motion animation. thats like 70p for us but i payed £3, everything is expensive here.
assuming your talking bout the camera.. Depends on how much you learn, this camera is very close to a SLR with the features, only a nub would use it on auto (im using it on auto at the mo as im a nub) because the quality is just standard, you gota learn it all befor eyou can make use of its true capabilities, what sux is the manual doesn't tell you jack, you gota figure it out yourself lol. Im glad i got this rather than one twice the price as i wouldnt know how to use it anyway, this is my practice camera before i step up. Also DO install 'chdk' if you use canons, it opens it up to do a bunch of stuff it wouldnt do otherwise. if your talking bout the tripod... i wrote the above for nothing!!! im to new to notice it, im sure you can make something like a rubber washer or something to the effect, dont know really. but its only £3
it still looks like a sponge to me... usually air filters are either square and paper based or conical lol
^looks like a sponge probably because it is sponge, still a filter though and its how kawasaki intended it be