Swine flu that has killed 64 and infected over 1000 people recently in Mexico .. be careful ... http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/26/world/americas/26mexico.html?ref=world Shit .. first . it was Mad Cow Disease - NO BEEF, then, it was high Mercury level in fish - NO FISH then, it was Avian Flu - NO CHICKEN then now , it is Swine Flu - NO PORK then what?? POISONOUS Pesticide = NO FRUITs and vegetables??
It doesn't matter even if you don't eat pork... Swine influenza viruses are NOT SPREAD by pork food products: You catch swine flu if an infected person sneezes in your face, or if you used his spoon, or tongue kissed her, et cetera... It is transmitted the same way as the common cold. uke: :rl: don't touch me until you washed your hands dammit... US CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL (CDC) AUDIO PODCAST ADVISORY Transcript of CDC podcast quoted here in its entirety:
we're not in Mexico anyways... so i'm sitll going to eat my meat.. as long as the meat are cooked properly i'm fine... can't give up meat because of some stupid flu that's only happening on one part of the word... lol
i think it got over the border already .. people in california and texas have been infected with the virus .. not enough to call it a pandemic but with mexico so close, it's best to be safe and stop eating for a while until things cool down ..
yeah i saw that when i typed it but i thought maybe no one will notice lol, dirty minded person you -noclue
^ dont front, you mean medium raw people who cant be bothered to cook meat gets no sympathy when they get mad cows disease -shock
Seriously folks, there a lot of misinformation out there. This is from the BBC's Swine Flu FAQ page: So eating pork is not an issue; having someone who is infected sneeze in your face, like with any other flu, is the way you would catch it. FYI, here's link to the Big One: 1918 Spanish Flu that had killed anywhere from 20 to 100 million world wide. Noted US Cases: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0XdQ--ming&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgQizqwKHII
^yeah,i prefer the spare ribs than the other parts.When i think how greasy and calorific it is,i don't want to eat them at all Between,we got a flu here last year and we had to import Pork
Good, eat all you want. Just make sure the pig doesn't sneeze in your face. -rolleyes Again, eating pork has nothing to do with getting swine flu or not.
waa i bought prawns and tried to cook it in the microwave (SILLY) when i was younger, i went to bed and i literally had to fight against vomiting.... now i cant eat prawns or ill be sick cus it brings back the memories lol
i dont eat liver 0_o or anything that is not cooked properly, i love my veg though, peas in pod is my fav