Iran's solution to homosexuals, "Glue buttocks together and feed them laxatives" Iraqi militias have been using a particularly brutal form of torture against homosexual men that involves gluing the buttocks together and feeding them laxatives, an Iraqi human rights activist revealed last week. “An anti-gay group uses a very strong form of glue that if applied, sticks to the skin so tight that it can only be removed surgically” Yenar Mohamed told "After the buttocks have been glued together, the victim is given a laxative," Mohamed added. Because they are not able to defecate, the diarrhea eventually leads to death. The painful torture process was filmed on mobile phones and distributed all over Iraq. The campaign on gays, Mohamed said, was launched three weeks ago after fatwas, religious decrees, calling for their killing, were issued by clerics. Mohamed attributed the rise of homosexuality in Iraq to the growing conservatism in society which makes mingling between sexes increasingly difficult. He pointed out that gays were targeted by both Sunni and Shiite militias and that the fatwas calling for their killing have been broadcast on satellite channels for thousands to hear. According to earlier press reports, a group called Ahl al-Haq (The Righteous) is targeting gays in the Bagdad slum of Sadr City and has managed to kill several people. The group allegedly published a list with the names of 10 gay men and wrote: "We will kill you, sinners." Bodies of three homosexual men were found in the area shortly after.
religion comes before law, as many countries in middle east would notes. extra bowel movement, but between 2 glued butts. gross.
that is some shit.............. i wonder what the pressure of that shit would be...... LMFAO defcon 3