^ Those cases were so small that they all have been recovered even if you do consider those.... we only got 6 Anyhow... It will spread eventually ^^
uh oh. 2 people just died in SoCal. it's suspected to be the swine flu. and more in California has been confirmed to have it
US always make everything pandemic tho... atm its on the scale 3on the scale of 1 - 6 on the pandemic charge in UK i think
UM , i dunno bout any deaths, but i heard there was infection , sigh , so many stuff we cant eat, i mean KFC nearly went bankrupted when it was the chicken Flu. whats after pork? Rice FLu or somethin g?
^ there are no restaurants i know that sell pork exclusively lol. Kentucky Fried Pork? you'd have to be a complete idiot not to know that its not transmitted by eating pork at this point anyway.
This whole flu will go back as the bird flu did. Objective evaluation of the situation is ok but no need to panic.